Friends, enemies, and ferrets

Start from the beginning

"He gave you a ferret?" Pansy cackled, "Oh how delightful Draco!" 

Draco sneered at her, "No, not 'delightful'. I am traumatised. Where is my sympathy?"

"Not here obviously," the mousy boy said quietly. 

Harry turned to look at him, feeling as though he recognised the shape of his nose, the colour of his hair. 

"What's your name?" Harry asked. 

The boy looked down, "Theo Nott." 

Harry smirked, "That's why I recognise you. I know your father." 

The boy, Theo, looked up, "You do? But-" 

"We can all talk in the common room," Harry said, "I'll explain everything then." 

There was silence for a few moments, broken only by the scraping of utensils and the chatter of students around them.

"So Harry," Pansy started, "Are you single?" 

Draco choked on his food, coughing for a few seconds. 

Harry regarded the girl, "How forward." 

She smirked, "I'm always forward Potter. So?" 

"Yes Miss Parkinson, I'm single," Harry said, amused. 

Pansy smiled, showing all her teeth, "Excellent. Call me Pansy." 


Dinner ended and students stood up from their seats, comfortably full from dinner and ready to sleep. Harry got up to leave but was stopped by a hand on his arm. He turned around, wand in his hand, lowering it when he saw James Potter. 

"Can I help you?" Harry asked, pocketing the wand. 

James frowned, "I'm supposed to be accompanying you at all times." 

"Not in Slytherin you won't," Harry retaliated. 

"My job is to make sure you don't hurt anyone-" 

"Potter, why would I kill the most bearable people in this school? Now if you'll excuse me." 

Harry turned on his heel where Draco was waiting for him, leaving a flustered James behind him. 

"Hey! Harry wait-" 

Harry turned back around, a sneer on his face, "What are you going to do Potter? Sleep in the dormitory, the Slytherin dormitory?" 

"You should've been in Gryffindor-"

Harry barked out a harsh laugh, "Are you that stupid? My father was in Slytherin, why shouldn't I be?" 

By now, almost all of the students had filtered out, and Dumbledore appeared at James' side. 

"Whatever is the matter Harry?" the old man asked, peering through his half moon glasses. 

Harry had never wanted to kill someone as much as he wanted to kill Dumbledore in that moment. The man made him want to throw something. 

"Nothing's the matter," Harry said, "I was just leaving." 

And he did just that, striding through the doors, ignoring James calling his name. 

"Hush James," Dumbledore said. 

"But Sir, he's going to Slytherin, he's going to be making plans to get back to him. Half of that house has family on his side." 

Dumbledore smiled, "I'm well aware of this, in fact, I was expecting it." 

James stared flabbergasted at the man, "What do you mean?! Harry's going to get back to that monster! You should've put him in Gryffindor." 

Dumbledore shook his head, "The return of Harry means the return of the Prophesy James, don't you understand?" 

James did understand. That goddamned prophesy was the reason Harry had been taken in the first place. 

"Now that we have Harry," Dumbledore continued, "We have a chance at destroying Voldemort." 

"No we don't!" James exclaimed, "Not when Harry thinks Voldemort's his father, not when he's been killing for him for years!" 

Dumbledore merely placed a hand on James' shoulder, "Peace James. We need to take this slowly, turn Harry to our side by showing him how despicable Voldemort is."

James frowned. He had a suspicion that Harry knew exactly how horrible his 'father' was. James was beginning to think that Harry didn't care at all. Not one bit. 


*Pats self on back*

Another chapter so soon?? Slay. 

Okay I need help. Should there be any romantic pairings in this fic? I have no idea what to do, so please comment your suggestions. 

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