Building Connections

Start from the beginning

There were mixed results, but one option seemed to win in the end.

"Yeah, I agree. A long one once a month would be better. Wow, am I really doing this? I hope Chan doesn't mind me sort of copying him. Well, it won't be quite the same I don't know the music-making process as well as he does, so I won't be as insightful."

The viewers commented nice things again.

"Aw, thanks. I learned a lot making my album, but I still have so much to learn. Something to look forward to. I like learning new things."

Anna stared at the screen for a few minutes, but there were so many comments coming in that it was hard to read them. Suddenly she sat up and pointed her finger as if she'd had an idea.

"You know what it will be like? A - how shall I put this - fan club? I was going to say a time to fangirl over Idols together, but I didn't want to exclude anyone. Whatever we call it, we can share our favourite songs and dramas of the month. Stuff like that."

She bit her lip as she waited to see what the viewers would think.

"Wait. Is it okay to say my favourites? I shouldn't really be biased."

Anna frowned and hummed thoughtfully.

"Let's think of it as exploration and discovery of new content. No hate, only positivity. Sound good?"

Thankfully the comments were all positive, which made her smile.

"Awesome. Now I just need to come up with a name... Oh! I have an idea. Afternoon tea with Anna? Afternoon Tea? Teatime?"

She raised her eyebrows as she asked what the viewers thought, and then sighed.

"But if I do it in the afternoon, is that a bad time for international fans? I think I'm going to need to do a bit of research to figure out if there's a good time, at least for a majority of people. I'll let you know. Okay?"

Anna leaned forwards again to try and read some of the comments that were flying across her screen.

"Will I actually have afternoon tea for the Lives? If that's what we're calling it then of course I will. Good thing I'm only doing this once a month then, and not every week. That wouldn't be good for my diet."

She regretted her word choice as soon as she said it.

"I don't need to diet? When I say diet, I just mean watching what I eat, nothing drastic. I try not to snack and have smaller portions at mealtimes. Otherwise, I'd eat giant bowls of pasta for dinner."

Anna gestured with her hands what an exaggerated size bowl of pasta she would eat.

"Not good. However, I definitely eat better in Korea. Healthier. Everything just tastes so good!"

She grabbed her stomach as it grumbled.

"See I've gotten hungry just thinking about it!"

With a sigh she leaned back in her chair, smiling.

"This has been really nice."

She sat up again and looked side to side as she leaned in close.

"Shall I tell you a secret?"

The comments screamed positive as the viewers got excited.

"I was really worried about doing V Lives. I thought I'd be awkward, and I'd see mean comments, but it's been like talking to a group of friends - a very big group. You've all been very nice, so thank you."

Thank you, Anna!

You're the best, Anna!

I love you, Anna!

"See? So nice. Oh, I might cry. No, actually, I think I'm tearing up."

She laughed as she blinked rapidly to try and make the tears disappear.

"Ah, well, I think we're getting to the end of this V Live. It's dinner time for..."

Anna's eyes followed something behind the camera, and containers of food were passed to her.

"Unless the staff brings me my dinner, and this turns into a mukbang. Is that okay with everyone? You can turn it off now if you don't want to watch me eat."

She begins to uncover the food.

"I was watching someone do a V Live once - whilst eating - and thought, Idols eat during V Lives because it's the only time they have to eat. Or do they do V Live when it's time to eat?"

Anna takes her first bite of food.

"Yum. So, the first episode of Anna's Teatime, or Dinner Time. Shall I tell you what I've been up to lately? Let's start with music. What have you all been listening to the past month?"

While she eats a bit more of her dinner, Anna takes out her phone and opens her Spotify."

"Okay, July... Ah, ENHYPEN's MANIFESTO: DAY 1. I love Future Perfect. I played it on repeat when it first came out. The music video was awesome too. I always like their title songs."

"And then... oh, I discovered SUNMI. A bit late, I know, but I think it was her hair that caught my attention. Heart Burn is a great song, and the music video is good too. Burning men alive with her hotness. Wow! Of her older songs, my favourite is Borderline. I love it!"

"Of course, I can't leave out Hobi's first official solo album! You can really feel the cohesive storyline as you listen to the album. You know how he said the order of the songs was important? It all fits together so well. I think MORE is my favourite though. That chorus is just... urgh, love it."

"Umm, any P1Harmony fans? Doom Du Doom is so catchy, right? They are a recent discovery for me as well, but this song has been on repeat as well."

"And I'll just talk about something upcoming. ATEEZ! Wow. This album is epic! The teasers, oh my... amazing. A mini-movie. Can't wait for that on Friday!"

Anna took bites of her food between talking about each artist and as she thought about what movies and tv shows she had seen recently.

"I, er, try to keep a note of what I've watched because at the moment I can never remember, but originally because it's nice to know when you first watched something, or how long it took you to watch it. What have I watched this month...?"

"I know! Oh, this is the best show ever. Seriously, I love it so much. Extraordinary Attorney Woo on Netflix. Please watch it so I can talk about it with you. It's so cute!"

Behind the camera, one of the staff members started tapping on their wrist.

"Alright. That was a small preview of what my monthly V Lives will be like. I'll let you know when the real first one will be. Tune in to find out the name I decide on."

"Thank you all for spending time with me today. Bye!"

Chapter Two (An Indescribable Feeling)Where stories live. Discover now