🎭Chapter 1🎭

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There is a side to every person, one that you can't see. It's up to them to show it to you. But most are a shamed of a side of them and tends to lock it away. However that side will break free whether they'd like it or not.

In Seoul, Korea, your eyes define who you are. If you so much as get certain colors your wonderful life will be gone in a flash of lightning.

Society is split in three categories :
Heroes : blue, green, pink or yellow eyes
Normal citizens : brown or gray eyes
Villains : crimson red or dark purple

Normally your eyes would stay brown until the age of thirteen.


Changbin has brown eyes signaling he was a regular citizen, his boyfriend Hyunjin however has blue eyes signaling him being a hero.

Changbin and Hyunjin met during a hero meet and greet. It's an event to get to see and greet your favorite heroes, you can talk to them, hug them and get to know the people who are protecting you a bit better.

Changbin had went with one of his best friends, Wooyoung. Apparently Wooyoung wanted to see this hero called San, was it? Even though he was excited he didn't want to go alone so he dragged Changbin along.

Changbin of course hated being out of his house unnecessarily but as soon as he got there he was no longer grumpy. Why? Because since he got there he couldn't stop staring at this hero, who's so called name his Hwang Hyunjin.

Hyunjin as well snuck glances at him. Hyunjin saves a lot of people however he remembers the day when he walked pass Changbin while going to the hero's headquarters. Let's just say he never got his face out of his mind.

After the hero event hyunjin asked for Changbin's number and because changbin found hyunjin cute he gave it to him. They went on a few dates and decided to give their relationship a chance.

Everything was perfect at first Hyunjin was showing Changbin lots of love and affection and being the best boyfriend he ever, however within a year Hyunjin changed drastically.

Because of his new cold behavior Changbin suspected that he is cheating or that he simply lost complete interest in him. Changbin is sad of course but he believes that Hyunjin deserves someone better, someone who perhaps is also a hero.


Changbin woke up to noise coming from the kitchen. His heart started to race. 'What if it's a burglar or a serial killer' Changbin thought. As he grabbed a knife from his night table he slowly tip toe his way to the kitchen.

As soon as he was about to enter he bumped right into Hyunjin. "Oww!" Hyunjin said pushing Changbin a bit too hard and with a thud Changbin fell. Changbin whined a bit before getting up. "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Hyunjin yelled.

"Hyunjin please tone down I'm sorry okay." Changbin said while rubbing his cut softly. "First you stab me and the have the audacity to tell me to tone down!" Hyunjin swatted his hand away. "Hyunjin it was an accident besides what did you expect you came in two in the fucking morning making a whole bunch of noise how was I supposed to know it's you and not some psycho that broke in here!"

Changbin blurted out getting frustrated with Hyunjin's behavior. "Whatever." Hyunjin said waking away. "It's not even that big of a cut. Plus he handles things worst than that as a hero and it's was an ACCIDENT." Changbin thought while rolling his eyes while picking up the knife and putting it down in the kitchen.

Even though Hyunjin was a bit dramatic he still felt bad for hurting the younger. He quickly made his way to their shared bedroom. Once he got inside he saw Hyunjin sitting at the edge rubbing his temples. 'He must be stressed' he smiled sympathetically.

He sat on the bed behind Hyunjin and started massaging his shoulders. "Changbin." Hyunjin called. Changbin felt a sting in his heart at the way Hyunjin called him. Once he used to call him with so much love and now when he calls it sounds cold and distant. "Yes love." Hyunjin sighed "We need to talk." Changbin instantly stopped massaging his shoulders.

The truth is he knows what Hyunjin wanted to talk about and it brakes him. "Mmh" was all Changbin could get out at the moment. "I think we should break up." There it was the sentence Changbin dreaded to hear the most. He knew it was coming yet still he wasn't ready. Tears started rolling down his cheeks and he furiously tried to wipe them.

Hyunjin sighed and finally turn to face him. "See you're too weak to be my partner and besides and I need someone who gets my job as a hero not someone who always wants cuddles and kisses. I have other stuffs to do."

Saying Changbin was shocked would be an understatement. "I thought you loved cuddling with me and kissing me and I do understand you're job as a hero that's why I never complain when you disappear for days, for months. You've been gone for what, three months now. Do you know how worried I was. Do you know how many times I asked myself is he okay, is he safe." Changbin said furiously.

Hyunjin did feel a bit bad but nonetheless he was set on leaving Changbin. "I understand but I still want to break-up. "I....I understand." Was all Changbin said before getting a suit case and started helping Hyunjin pack his things.

They were both at the front door now. Hyunjin putting the last suitcase into his car. He shut the trunk and opened the car door. "Bye and take care of yourself. I hope you find someone who's better for you." Changbin said holding back a river of tears. Even after Changbin said that all he could reply with was bye as he got into the car and left.

Changbin shut the door and slid down it before he broke down crying. Knock knock. "Is it Hyunjin? Did he forget something? Changbin got up and opened the door revealing a man in a cloke. "Can I help you?" The man didn't answer. Changbin was freaked out especially since it was around 3 a.m.

He was about to shut the door but when the man stopped it and rushed in. "What do you want!" Changbin panicked wishing that Hyunjin was here. That's the last thing he remembered before everything went pitch black.


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   ★ *     °    🛰  °·   🪐
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I hope you enjoyed the first chapter
I'm trying to update my other stories😭
Thanks for reading I hope it wasn't too boring

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