Ch. 1|What About Your Friends?

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"Good Morning class my name is Mrs. Winston and welcome to AP English" she smiled, "This period is going to be very short and sweet since this is your last teacher introduction before you leave today."

"Let's start off this school year by introducing ourselves. Any volunteers?" She asked.

Everyone sighed because we've been introducing ourselves all day. I've even seen some of these people in my other classes.

"Aww c'mon you guys. We only have a 30 minute block today and I know you've been doing this all day but I want to get to know you too" she insisted.

"Okay I'll go" my friend Lala volunteered.

"Stand up so we can all see you and start off by telling us your name, how long you've attended Crenshaw and your favorite thing to do" Mrs. Winston smiled.

She stood up and cleared her throat, "Hey y'all my name LaLa, well my real name is Kekiokolanee cause my family is Poly and they real extra with it but just call me Lala; Umm I'm from Compton California, I've been attending Crenshaw since my freshman year, my favorite thing to do is to shop at The Slauson every other weekend cause that's when my Momma get paid and I do hair so if you need something done hit me up on messenger."

Lala sat down and the teacher looked like she was holding back laughter.

My friend is very...animated. There isn't just one word to describe her but if I had to choose one, animated definitely fits the description.

"Anyone else?" Mrs. Winston asked. No one else spoke a word.

"I actually have something else to say" Lala said.

"Tell me after class" Mrs. Winston snapped.

"Dang okay then Mrs. Lady."

"People don't make it hard for me, I'm just trying to get to know you that's all" Mrs. Winston plead.

Nobody said anything whatsoever.

"Alright well if you all want to play like you don't hear me, I'll just go around the room" she said as she stood to her feet.

"Okay let's go with..." she spun around the room and pointed at me, "what's your name and your favorite thing to do."

My heart immediately dropped.

Ever since middle school I've always showed up to class, did my thing and left...I never put myself in a position to talk because I simply didn't want to.

"Who? Me?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am stand to your feet."

I stood up and cleared my throat, "my name is Diamond, I'm from Oakland California but I was raised in East Los. I've been going to Crenshaw since my freshman year and my favorite thing to do is read."

"Aww you're not just saying that because this is AP English?" Mrs. Winston laughed.

"No she always has her nose in a book" Lala laughed.

"Well I think you'll love it here because there is going to be a lot of reading" Mrs. Winston said.

"Come on man" someone said, smacking their lips.

"Hey its not called Advanced Placement for no reason" Mrs. Winston laughed.

There were a few more introductions before the bell finally rang.

"Alright enjoy the rest of your day, I hope to see all of you tomorrow" Mrs. Winston smiled

I gathered my things and rushed out of the classroom.

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