XXX • Injuries and Assumptions

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Stepping back she turned to look at Aurora, before turning back to him and addressing him only when she asked. "What happened to you?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He shrugged again before admitting the situation. Aurora frowned deeply when she realised that her actions may have brutal consequences, she near cried again at the thought. Brought away from her worries, she was shocked frozen when he responded. "I fell." Was all he said.

The lady frowned harder, her eyes skimming back and forth between her two patients, she had connected the dots but said nothing, turning around and running off to get something to cute the boy.

He flopped in the same fashion Aurora did on the bed beside her. She didn't move, her back facing him. Her scowl not once faded at the thought of his presence, so she just sat there and leered at the wall.

She knew she had to speak, to say something, to ask why he didn't rat her out like the rodent he is. She dreaded the upcoming conversation but she would dread more if she didn't ask. "Why didn't you tell her the truth?" She whispered. At first Rory didn't know if he actually heard her, but it seemed as though he was awaiting the question, his ears already waiting to hear her words.

The boy sighed before speaking. "Because your crazy boyfriend threatened me."

That had Aurora confused, she had never had a real boyfriend unless you counted the couple of boys she had been on dates with. Nothing ever progressed further than from a few stolen kisses, she counted herself clueless when it came to boyfriends. "Boyfriend?" She asked, baffled.

"That fucking psycho Nott." He sneered.

Half her mind begged her to turn around and gasp before yelling at the top of her lungs 'I would never date Theodore Nott!' The other part of her believed Terence didn't deserve the luxury of an explanation, so she remained silent.

She only manage to hold onto the quiet for a minute before another question slipped from her lips, a question that had been sitting but he edge of her tongue the moment Terence spoke. "What did he say?"

"That I have to apologise to you, and then the bastard grasped me by the nose and made it worse." Aurora nearly laughed at the thought, Terence in tears as Theodore held his nose but he spoke again before she could allow for her chuckle to release. "Two maniacs, you're the perfect, sick match."

Any evidence of humor, disappeared from her face at his words, Aurora hardly believed she was bad enough to be categorised within the ranks of Theodore, but as she thought deeper, she did just punch someone and he did defend her.

He defended her.


Her jumble of thoughts tuned out as she processed the information properly. Her mind ran wild with both questions and assumptions. She didn't know what to think, all she knew was that she was grateful and she would leave it at that. For all she knew he dug up any human decency he had roaming somewhere deep within him and reflected it on Terence, an act as a result of the minor guilt he had probably felt.

With a her frown, still glued to her face, she didn't know what to think of Theodore any more. She thought he hated her, so in turn she disliked him. What was going on inside his head?

What was going on inside her head? Theodore wandered across the castle, making his way up to the astronomy tower, a relaxing destination for his kind to find even the smallest moments of peace. Thoughts of Aurora plagued his sickened mind.

He wandered up the long and windy stair way that lead up to his sanctuary. His eyes trailing the tiles as he avoided the cracks in his steps. A habit he maintained from childhood. His hand traced the sandstone of the all narrowed beside him. His hands unconsciously learning the pattern of the wall.

Duplicitous | T.N. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz