chapter one

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Onyx was walking to class and he see his tormentors and they were laughing at him

Matt: I can't believe I have a brother like you onyx you are nothing you are just weak I don't know why union academy accepted you

Team RWBY and half of class 1a and his girlfriend was laughing at him

Bakugo: why don't you take a swan dive of the roof 

Kaguya Moon: I'm breaking up with you and dating your brother onyx

Onyx just walk in combat class

Glynda: okay class who want to fight

Yang: me and my team and half of class 1A and Matt

Glynda: okay

They get ready and they start to run at onyx

Onyx: I'm not going down* he charge them*

Onyx start to take some of them down but he got swarm and they start to beat the shit out of him and he cough up blood

Glynda: that's enough

The tormentors left him on the floor and he gets up and the principal call him to there office and he arrives to the office and onyx walks in the office

Nezu: onyx do you know why we call you in hear

Onyx: no sire

Ozpin: you are being expelled front union academy

Onyx didn't show any sign of emotions

Onyx: thank you sir for having me hear in the school

Onyx want to his dorm and pack his things and start to leave

Matt and the tormentors: thank God you are leaving this place this school doesn't need some like you hear

Onyx see his matt and his Kaguya kissing each other and onyx walks to the gate and screams on top of his lungs and start to cry and he walk home

Wilson: you are no longer welcome here Onyx

Mia: get out of here Onyx we didn't what a son like that

Onyx left his house and was in a alleyway and start to cry again until a woman hear him

Klara walks to him and she see he was cover in blood and crying

Klara: why are you crying kid

Onyx: I was bullied by my so called friends and my brother and my ex girlfriend was cheating on with my brother and I don't have no where to stay because my parents kicked me out of the house and I'm homeless

Klara hugs onyx and he keep on crying

Klara: there no one is going to hurt do you know why

Onyx: why

Klara: because I'm adopting you and I all ways want a son do you want to be come my son

Onyx: yes I would love to be your son mom* he hugs her* what is your name

Klara: my name is Klara Radec and I'm the general of the helghast army son and what is your name

Onyx: my name is Onyx Grimm but I'm Onyx Radec now

Klara smiles and take him to a helghast drop ship

Onyx: I never seen and ship likes in union and the only ships I see are atlas ship and bullheads

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Onyx: I never seen and ship likes in union and the only ships I see are atlas ship and bullheads

Klara: the reason why because the helghast empire are not with union but we do help them out but we do not give them our technology

Klara and onyx gets in the drop ship and a spec ops soldier see him

Spec ops soldier: what are you doing kid and you have a home you can go?

Klara: soldier this is my adopted son Onyx Radec and before you start to ask questions I just adopted him today

Spec ops soldier: I see general and what happened to his family

Onyx: they don't care for me the care for my brother and to them I'm a mistake

Spec ops soldier: I'm sorry kid if you need anything just ask me okay  Onyx

Onyx: thank you sir and what is your name?

John: my name is John kid

Onyx: it's nice to meet you John

The drop ship left union and head to helgon empire and the drop ship landing at Klara house and Klara and onyx gets off the drop ship and the drop ship want back to base

The drop ship left union and head to helgon empire and the drop ship landing at Klara house and Klara and onyx gets off the drop ship and the drop ship want back to base

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Klara: how do you think son

Onyx: it's beautiful mom and thank you for having me as your son

They want inside and Klara show onyx his room and he walks in and sits on the bed

Onyx: I love it mom

Klara: good son and good night son I love you

Onyx: I love you too mom and good night

They fall sleep and onyx was smiling in his sleep

Helghast Spec Ops vs union academy Where stories live. Discover now