I Only Wanna Help, You Know!

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Ugh I can't keep this up, what's the damn point
They've already given up and are to far gone now
Why do you still want me to help them
They don't want help clearly enough, so why
I mean I understand you love them and care deeply for them
But why bother trying where you know your bound to fail?

Everyone I know is always looking for something to believe in
But see I found what I needed to believe in, was me all along
I just don't understand why others give up so damn easily
Why are some people so soft they let themselves get pushed around
Why is it the survival of the fittest anyways
People say the strongest live the weakest get killed

But that's not always true, even if you say it's absolute
If it was then me who is weaker than anyone should be dead
I mean humanity thinks the physically strong survive
The weak get k*lled off one by one
But if that were true, r*pe victims, ab*se victims and kidnapped ones
Don't you think they should be d*ad if that were true

Well I got some f*cking news, the weak ones are always surviving
And the strong ones are the ones who break, and d*e first
I mean why can't you guys see that I only want to help you
I was a survivor, of r*pe, ab*se, mol*station and i*cest
I was a victim, but now I'm a strong minded fighter
You can be so much more if only you'd just try

Ignore the others their just jealous that your stronger than them
Don't listen to your inner voice if it only hurts you and lies
Try for once to listen to your heart and actually follow through
Don't compare me to the ones who hurt and ignored you
I'm not like them, I'm different so just let me show you
Open up, let me in and you'll see I care and only wanna help

I mean yes I understand your sensitive and very picky
I know you were treated badly by friends and family
But who is it exactly that you think I am, I was treated the same way
You talk to me as if I don't get it as if I've never been hurt
But you know all about me, you know my past yet you lock me out
I mean I'm not trying to hurt you and I understand if anything I say hurts you

But trust me it's only survival, I need you to survive
I mean where your at, you need to try and survive heal and then live
You think I'm stupid, you probably wanna yell how I hurt you
But it's just the truth Lizzy, so please just listen for once
I mean stop giving up, it takes actually effort to get better
So for once in your life, put real effort into it and you'll feel better
Stop giving up and feeling sorry for yourself like a baby
Pull yourself together already, and let yourself heal and finally live life

Uncontrollable Heart Book 2 (Poetry) (Journaling)Where stories live. Discover now