Three people with jetpacks and wings close in on Cipher's plane before one of them hits a button, causing the cargo hold to open. The three pilots enter the cargo hold of Cipher's plane before taking off their helmets to reveal Deckard, Owen, and Anneliese.
"Nice plane, I'm gonna enjoy having this," Owen says as he looks around before grabbing his gun.
"Hey, don't go gettin any ideas," Anneliese tells him with a stern look while shaking her head. "You and planes don't have a good history."
"No shit," Owen says as he glances back at the closed cargo hold.
"Okay, let's go, Scarface," Deckard orders as he makes his way over to the door. "These assholes ain't gonna kill themselves." Owen hears a beep before motioning with his head to the camera that is behind Deckard.
"Surprise," Anneliese says with a smirk as she waves at the camera.
"You're both supposed to be dead," Cipher says in shock as she remembers watching Dom shoot them both. Guards start running to the cargo hold on Cipher's order. The door to the cargo hold opens before Deckard and Owen kill all of the guards.
"Get to the pilot, he's got the second key. Wait for my signal," Anneliese orders as she looks at Deckard.
"Give Cipher my regards," Deckard says with a nod before heading up the stairs.
"Let's go, babe," Owen says with a smile as he and Anneliese take the bottom floor. Anneliese takes out two guards just past the stairs. Deckard takes out a guard as he enters another room. Deckard enters the cockpit of the plane before putting his gun to the back of the pilot's head.
"Decks," Owen says over their comms as he and Anneliese reach a glass room.
"In position," Deckard responds as he gets ready to slide his key card.
"Go," Anneliese says before they both slide their key cards at the same time. "I'm in." Anneliese walks into the room before walking over to the crib. Anneliese turns on the device to contact Dom while Owen grabs the car seat. Dom looks down at his phone before the phone starts buzzing.
"We've got the package Toretto," Anneliese says with a giggle as she picks the baby up after Dom answers the phone. "All twelve pounds of him." Dom lets out a sigh of relief as he hears the baby saying "Dada". Owen can't help but smile at Anneliese in adoration as he imagines them having their own family one day.

"Alright governor, it's gonna get noisy," Owen says as Anneliese puts the baby into his carseat. "This is for your ears." Owen puts headphones on the baby before turning on showtunes. "Good?" The baby coos, causing Owen to nod.
"So, you're good with kids," Anneliese says more to herself but Owen hears her.
"Let's go," Owen tells her with a wink, causing her to head out of the room to hide her blush.
"Go! Stop them! Do not let them get off this plane!" Cipher orders all of her guards.

"All right, little man," Owen says as he stops at a door before looking down at the baby. "This might be a little scary, but it's gonna be a lot of fun." A guard opens the door before Anneliese hits him twice, causing the guard to fall into another guard. Anneliese uses the second guard as a shield before slamming him into a wall. Anneliese shoots at the two oncoming guards, who duck for cover while Owen hides behind a wall before ducking down as they shoot through the wall. "How's the music, good?"
"Ah," The baby answers him as the guards head towards them. Owen shoots a guard that is coming from the opposite way while Anneliese rolls into the walk way, shooting the two guards in front of them. Owen kicks a guard into a glass table while Anneliese slams another guard into a bar before shooting a guard behind her back. Anneliese slides the guard against the bar into a wall before doing another roll and shooting a guard.
"Impressive," Owen says as he shoots a guard behind him, still holding onto the car seat.
"Thank you," Anneliese says with a smirk before she kisses his cheek while shooting another guard behind her back.
"You could at least leave some for me," Owen tells her with smile before glancing down at the baby as he sees more guards. "Goin' for a ride." Owen slides the car seat down the walk way as he uses his legs to flip a guard, then shooting the guard.
"Back in the sec," Owen says as he slides the car seat under a table while Owen uses his empty gun to fight two guards. Anneliese shoots two guards as two more guards appear before she realizes that her guns are empty.
"I'm out," Anneliese says quickly as she glances at Owen.
"Jump," Owen tells her before Anneliese does as told. Owen catches her as her legs wrap around his waist. "Now, duck." Owen grabs a glass bowl before Anneliese does as told, allowing him to shift her around to his back. Owen knocks one of the guards out with the bowl as Anneliese reloads her guns. Anneliese ducks under Owen's arm, causing him to grab her waist as she shoots the guard, who falls through a glass wall. Owen shifts Anneliese back around in front of him, causing her to lightly gasp as she realizes how close their faces are before she kisses him. Owen quickly puts her back up against the wall to help support her weight as the kiss grows more intense before they hear a giggle.
"Shit! The baby," Anneliese says as she quickly jumps down, walking over to the baby while Owen smiles and quickly puts a new magazine into his gun before going over to Anneliese and the baby.
"Where is that smile?" Owen asks the baby as he leans down to the car seat, causing the baby to smile big at him. "There it is!" Anneliese smiles as she picks up the car seat before catching sight of a guard behind her. Anneliese puts the car seat in front of her protectively as she backs up with the guard shooting her in the back. Anneliese's bulletproof vest keeps her safe until she is able to hide behind a wall. The guard goes to reload his gun before Owen shoots him twice. "You were gonna shoot a baby and a lady? You sick bastard."
"You're not gonna wanna see this," Anneliese says as she sits the baby on a table before facing the car seat towards the wall. Anneliese checks to make sure she wasn't actually shot before she leans against the wall with a grunt, finding that she was hit in the shoulder where the vest doesn't cover. Owen grabs the guard by the back of the neck before slamming the guard's head into a bar, multiple times. Owen lets the guard go before going to grab the car seat. Owen sniffs as he walks past the dead guard before looking at the baby. "Is that you or him?" The baby's eyes cut towards the guard, causing Owen to look at the guard before sniffing again. "Him. Good."
"You so would've changed the diaper if it was him," Anneliese says with a giggle as she hides her shoulder while she walks pass Owen, who rolls his eyes.

Cipher is erasing all the data on the computers in her plane before the door to the room she is in opens as Anneliese shoots the last guard. Owen walks into the room before sitting the car seat down while pointing his gun at Cipher.
"You're out of bullets, Owen," Cipher says as she watches Owen while trying to come up with a plan to escape.
"Not like we're gonna need a gun to take care of you," Anneliese tells her as she holsters her gun while Owen sits his gun on a control panel.
"How did you find me?" Cipher asks before Anneliese pulls out Dom's necklace, causing Cipher to remember that Dom had hung it outside of the glass room. "Resourceful."
"You have a lot to answer for, Cipher," Owen says as he starts to walk around the control panel. "What you've put my family through. My mother." Owen starts to walk back around the control in the opposite way he had been walking. "I'm gonna make sure that never happens again. To anyone."
"There is only one flaw in your plan," Cipher says as she watches him.
"What's that?" Owen asks her with an arched eyebrow.
"Only one of us has a parachute!" Cipher answers him as she quickly grabs a parachute bag before hitting some buttons to open the emergency door. The car seat starts sliding towards the door, causing Owen to jump over the control panel before landing in front of the car seat as Anneliese pulls her gun back out, shooting at Cipher, who is sucked out of the door. Anneliese leans against the control panel as she starts to feel the affects of blood loss. Owen uses his body to keep the car seat from being sucked out of the plane before he kicks the button to close the door. Owen hits the door in anger, since Cipher got away before looking at the baby, who coos at him.
"Told you this would be fun," Owen tells the baby with a smile and a wink, causing the baby to coo and giggle.
"Deckard, we're clear," Anneliese says through the comms as she lets out a cough before she falls.
"Annie?!" Owen yells as he runs over to her with the car seat. "No, no, no. Annie, baby." Owen sees the blood before turning the car seat to face away from Anneliese. "You're going to be okay." Owen puts pressure on the wound, causing Anneliese to groan in pain. "DECKARD, WE NEED TO LAND NOW."
"O, it's okay," Anneliese says with a slight chuckle as she cups his cheek with her hand while she fights to stay awake. "It's not my first rodeo with being shot."
"Annie, baby, I need you to stay with me," Owen says as Anneliese smiles at the nickname, causing Owen to lightly smile before Anneliese's eyes start to flutter closed. "No, you stay with me. Please, Anneliese, stay with me."
"I love you, too...."

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