14: Love Is Tough.

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I'm in my room before I hear the door open quite loudly. I put Scott in his room so that can't be him, Now to find out which of the other two that was, or both of them. "Which idiot?" I say as I exit my room, trying to be quiet with the door. "SAUSAGE!! You are just the person we hoped to see!" Yep, it's both. "What's up idiot 1 and 2?" I say while walking around the counter to get a drink. "SCOTT IS MISSING!! HE RAN OFF AFTER- Something, happened!" Joel's heart is probably beating faster then human drum beats. "Ok, Deep breaths, do I need to get an oxygen mask?" I'm careful as I sit him down. "Nope, I'm fine! Just give me a sec." He seems just fine, so I turn to Fwhip "Don't worry about Scott, he's asleep in his room. I'd know, I put him there." I can see the pure confusion on Fwhip's face when I said that. "What happened?! When did Scott get here?!" Fwhip asked every question that could be asked. I'm surprised. "First, I found Scott crying behind the counters and calmed him down. He fell asleep so I took him to his room. Second, I don't know exactly, but I got here about a half hour ago, and he was here. Depending on when the chaos happened, I guess?" This must have calmed Fwhip down, as he went and checked on Joel, and then went to his room. Gods, he looks like a ginger me. "Someone said my name?" I see Scott exit his room while trying to fix his hair, which is all ruffled. "Scott!! Your alive! I'm so sorry about the whole brother thing." Joel said as he walked over to him. "You... actually cared? Why?" Why did he look so genuine when he asked that? Did he ACTUALLY think we didn't care?! "Look, I kinda trust you with my life, you saved it once. So yea, I have good reason to care. I wanna be friends with you, liking a shadow or not!" Joel's miniature friendship speech must have helped, because Scott didn't question like I've seen him do before.
"So, what were you saying when you were talking to Jimmy~?" Joel leaned onto the counter as i go red. "Well, his sister told him about a flower field nearby, and tomorrow's Saturday, so he asked if I could teach him about some flowers!" This was followed by and orange blur running up towards Joel, and a squeal I never thought I'd hear from one of the people in my dorm. Nevertheless, it was Fwhip.  "Joel, was the look you gave me what I thought?" He said, looking at Joel with and oddly serious stare. "If what you think is-" "SCOTT, we think he likes you back."
"No way! Jimothy Shadow is the straightest boy I've ever seen!" I'm telling the truth. There is no way in AEOR he likes guys, much less ME. "And he asked if you wanted to go to a flower field to help him learn about flowers." Mythical snickered as I go redder then I was before. "Still, he couldn't be." Right? It's impossible!
Be realistic! You aren't in some storybook There is zero way!
Technically there IS a chance, it's just not in my favor.
I get out of my head to see Fwhip waving just hands in my face, having to bend down a bit. "You good? You kinda just, went SILENT in the middle of our conversation!" Joel said as he shoved Fwhip out of the way.
"Yea, I'm fine, this is just tough."
"Love is tough."
-I have had NO motivation for this part, luckily, I have a name and idea for the next one planned.
-Hope you enjoyed part 14!!

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