2: Magicless

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Once we get our schedules, me and X walk into class, I'm at least hoping we aren't late, he's probably hoping lunch is soon. "Welcome, find your name on a desk! We are glad to have you here!" I walk through the class, finding my seat in the back towards the door. My brother sitting near the middle of the class, next to a winged blonde. "Good morning! My name is Ms. Troutmen. We'll start class today with a small introduction so we can have a better knowledge of others!" She seems polite, most teachers I spoke to do.
When it gets to someone important bc I'm not making up names
"Joel Beans? If you are here, please come to the front." The teacher says, searching the class. Suddenly, from the right of the classroom, I see a kid walk up to the front. Under average height, brown hair, green eyes, and in the uniform with a green tie. "Go ahead and introduce yourself." "Hi! My name is Joel, I'm a junior and I honestly don't know why I go here, because I'm human. Whispers go through the room as he seems to slightly panic at the response. "I'm no danger to hybrids of mythical creatures though! I think they are really cool and hope we can all be friends or friendly!" Most people calm down after that, but I see my brothers smug look.
Dear Aeor what is he gonna say...
Joel walks back to his seat and Ms Troutmen says a name a recognize from earlier. "Mythical Tay? Is Mythical in this class?" "I'm here!" Mythical says as he walks to the front, keeping an eye on Joel and his own brother. "Hello, my name is Mythical, obviously because I was called by it." He says before a loud voice calls from the back "SAUSAGE!" It was Fwhip, followed by a snicker from Joel. "I also have 2 younger siblings, one of them in this class. FWHIP." He seems to have no regrets about saying it. Sausage sits back down near the front on the left.
He really said it. He yelled him and Joel's nickname across the entire CLASS. I'll be a laughing stock until something else happens. I hope that thing doesn't happen to anyone I care for. "Speaking of the Tays, Fwhip Tay?" My brother walks up the the front. Let's lope he Doesn't embarrass himself, or mention he's a... I don't even wanna think about it. "Hi! I'm Fwhip, I'm a freshman and I hope we get along!" "Mr. Tay, I would have asked your brother, but he stepped down too quickly, since your family has very powerful magic..."
No, anything but what I think you are asking.
"Could you show an example to the class?"
He froze, looking at me in a "WHAT DO I SAY" panic.
My brother, Fwhip Tay, doesn't HAVE natural magic.
I stand up, trying to distract the teacher from her question. "Ms, I can do the example, if you'd like? It'd be safer due to me being older" "No thanks, I'd like to see what your brother can do!" She obviously doesn't know, and the distraction didn't work, so I sit back down. I want to help my brother, but there really isn't anything I can do at the moment. "WHAT? HE A SQUIB?!" A purple haired student says from the middle of the classroom. I can se panic in my brothers face "HE IS, ISNT HE?! WOW, A SQUIB TAY!!" My brother starts tearing up and runs out of the room. I go to follow before I hear yelling.
"XANDER!! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT TO A FRESHMAN!!!" The kid we helped earlier is yelling at the boy, I run out of my room to get Gem and check on Fwhip.
I can tell, for him, it's hard to be Magicless.

Poor Fwhip tho.
I hope you enjoyed chapter 2!!

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