Johnny is sad, and so is Sodapop, I know they can't stop keep on thinking about this. I mean who can blame them. I can't either. They are in major sadness, they can't stop crying, and shaking. This isn't gonna leave them...not now...not ever... they are depression, they won't let go of pony.

Darry is anger, not at the kid, and not at anyone. Beside himself, I know that face. I have seen the side of people when they are angry, about themselves. He won't stop saying it's all his fault. He doesn't say it, but I know he does in his mind.

Steve is bargaining with life right now, I know they never really got along. But Steve loved pony deep down. And can't shake off the feeling that at the hospital was the last time they got to see each other. He wants pony back, I could just tell. We all could. We all knew Steve secretly had a soft spot of the kid.

And I am just accepting it...cause I can't bring people back to life. I don't have magical powers. I miss that kid, he was a wonderful kid. Never using his head but was smart.

I went to where Johnny was and he was trying to hold it together. But deep down I know he couldn't, and he knew too.

He broke down sobbing. He could stand up much longer, him sobbing so much took the breath out of him. I sat him down on the ground, and I knelt down in front of him.

I tried comforting him, but I am not the best at that. I am not normally a comfort person, so this was weird to me. First time for everything.

Pony was normally the one to comfort him. Pony was his best friend. Pony had many friends. But he had another best friend. Surprisingly.

Curly, curly shepherd. Tim shepherds kid brother. He was very protective of pony, and god forbid someone looked at the kid wrong, curly will have their heads bashed into a medal pipe.

Curly and him go way back. Curly always adored pony...but the thing was, he didn't know pony was dead.

Curly was 15, just a year older then pony. And when they were younger, they were close. Curly will always walk with pony, protect him, comfort him.

But sometimes it would be the other way around. They were like partners in crime. But pony never really did the "crime" it was mostly curly.

I stayed near Johnny. Not daring to leave his side. I couldn't. I just couldn't. Not with him having a panic attack and crying, and he can't stop shaking.

I look around for help but soon his panic attack stopped. He just sat there and said nothing, not a single thing.

Twobits pov:

How could he be dead. He can't be, I won't take that as an answer. This is just one giant nightmare, that I would wake up to soon.


I mean it has to be. The kid was only 14 years old. He can't be dead. I tried to punch myself to see if it was fake.

It wasn't. It wasn't. It wasn't. It was all real, the death, the murder, the everything.

I looked over at Johnny...poor Johnny, his best friend was gone. He looked depressed. He looked different. And I didn't like it.

Hell I can't stop denying he is dead. Cause I had this feeling that he wasn't, but I knew it was fake.

I looked down and I saw Johnny having a panic attack not far away from the crowd.

I saw in the corner of my eye Randy, looking off. I knew he was always off, or he was gay.

I nudged Steve and he saw, and he noticed the same thing...Randy was off or again he was gay, and Steve and I didn't like him. Hell we never have. Not after he kept on jumping the kid.

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