Do you wanna end as a puppet?

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The door opens slowly and a soldier enters. He closes the door fast and turns around with an expression that displayes fear. The soldier opens his mouth he tries to say something but nothing comes out of his mouth. His eyes stare at Arlecchino in confusion making her with every second even more angry and impatient. Seconds pass that feel like hours. The harbinger speaks up losing patience and becoming annoyed with the soldier.

"How dare you come in here and waste my time. Don't you remember what I said when you knocked on the door I said that you should explain yourself. How come you didn't yet. Do I have to teach you myself how to respect your superiors."
The soldier quickly bows down he starts to speak with a shaky voice while staying on the ground." Please forgive me L-Lady Arlecchino. T-This is my first week I'm working under your commands. I apologize for disturbing at this time. I'm here to report something urgent.

"Speak fast I dont have time for this." Arlecchino says making it clear that shes annoyed.
The soldier takes a deep breath before speaking.
"Someone broke into our headquarters and stole some weapons. My companions saw a small person running through the corridors. They chased the person but the intruder vanished in thin air. So we looked everywhere and checked every room only to find out that several weapons are missing.
"Seriously. No way he came here for such a thing." Arlecchino thought before speaking. "Why is it that you come to me instead of speaking to your local headquarter superiors for such an useless matter?!"
I apologize m-my Lady I was ordered to inform you immediately because t-the s-soldiers suspect one of the orphans you're training to be the culprit. One of the soldiers saw the face of the intruder and he said that he already saw it among the orphans you selected some weeks ago. The culprit stole the special weapons we had storaged. The ones that were designed by il dottore the 4th harbingers."

"Maybe it wasn't that uninteresting." Arlecchino thought. She thought for a second about what her next step would be and came to a conclusion that she can handle it on her own.
"I will handle this myself. You are dismissed if something uninteresting like this ever happens again dont ever bother to show up in the middle of the night again or I will use you as my training puppet for the assassins I'm training and I promise you they'll show you no mercy."
The soldier stood up fast he was trembling all over his body. He rushed out of the room and closed the door behind him slowly.

Arlecchino leaned back in her chair and went with her hand through her soft hair. Her very short hair is one of the things she likes about herself.
"Hmm.. So this person stole the special weapons designed by il dottore." Arlecchino came to the conclusion that the culprit is most likely working with an enemy organization. It was obvious why other organizations would want the weapons after all they make you stronger, but every good thing also has a bad thing behind it. The weapons designed by il dottore are dangerous and stronger than normal ones. The weapons are too strong for the human body. Overusing might cause internal bleeding leading to death, thats why they are only suggested to be used by the professionals.

-------4 am--------

Before Arlecchino would fall asleep again she stood up leaving her desk and wandering to a white door. She opened the door and entered an elegant and big bedroom with many wardrobes. At the left of the room at the wall is hanging a big picture of herself in her uniform. She changed her uniform into a tank top and shorts. She walks to her white-greyish king sized bed and lays down. Once her head hits the pillow she immediately falls asleep.

-----Next morning-----

After getting dressed Arlecchino makes her way to the training hall were she forms the orphans into future assassins and spies, working under the gaze of the archon her majesty the tsarista. At the moment she is training 30 teenagers.

Betraying the tsaritsa would mean death, but apparently a specific person had already decided on which side they are. Maybe a traitor was already right among them. To find the culprit she ordered the soldier who saw the face of the culprit to accompany her while she trains them. Arlecchino exercises with them to keep them in a good shape and teaches them new techniques to easily bring down their enemies. They also learn about how to use weapons that have elemental powers for example: fire guns, electro hammers, anemo gauntlets, cryo and hydro flamethrowers and more.

No one seemed to behave suspicious at the training. The soldier failed at the task to identify the face of the culprit he saw with one of the trainees faces.

Arlecchino didnt think much about it and just took it as a case of theft from an enemy organization and not one of her trainees. Dottore could simply deliver more of those weapons. For her the case was closed but she still kept an eye on her trainees after all she doesn't want to miss something suspicious and that doesn't have to do anything with the stolen weapons. Everyone can be a traitor if they want to.

------2 month later-------

Its 1 am and Arlecchino is sitting at her office desk doing paper work. As a harbinger you always have a lot of things to do. They play a big role for the fatui and are in charge of many things. Having free time is rare. Obeying and following the wishes of the tsarista is the only purpose fatui soldiers and harbingers have or should have in their life.

Arlecchino finishes some of her paperwork and leaves her apartment.
Today was an important day for the fatui. All fatui trainees would gather in sneznaya. Battles would take place and the strongest would be giving a higher position or selected by the fatui harbingers. Every harbinger has their own area. Sandrone for example is in charge of machines and robots while Pantalone is in charge of the banks he's the richest fatui harbinger.
Not only arlecchino's attendance was requested but also the ones of sandrone the 10th harbinger, childe the 11th harbinger, colombina the 3th harbinger and pantalone 9th the harbinger . All of them had an interest in seeing the new soldiers potential.

The harbingers gathered outside near some mountains while waiting for the soldiers to come. Arlecchino wasn't really interested in choosing a soldier to become her assistant she was simply there to enjoy the fights and see how well her trainees do. Childe was attended for the same reason, eventhough he was more excited for the fights, knowing him he probably will challenge someone to one. The reasons of the others presence are unknown.

Arlecchino walked around the place. Beyond her shoes thick snow. Every step makes an oddly satisfying noice. Arlecchino had always adored the snow especially when she was a kid. She still liked the snow even after she received her pyro vision. Arlecchino looks up at the mountains. They're covered in snow. She stares at the mountains while being lost in thoughts.

Footsteps approached her and suddenly someone was standing next to her.
Arlecchino didnt bother to turn around.
A soft angelic voice spoke. "My dear Arlecchino you really like the snow don't you~." The smaller person next to her teased her. Arlecchino turned her head to the person she already knew who it was when she heard her voice. It was Colombina the 3th of the fatui harbingers. She is an alluring person, no one really knows about her powers but she is admired and respected. Her voice makes everyone obey without questions and get on their knees. When she is around everyone is like a piece of dust one the ground beyond her heels. She never fails to make the people she talks to get lost in her words and blush. Even if she seemes cute and a soft creature you may not let yourself be fooled by her after all she's the 3rd of the fatui harbingers. The Harbingers positions are ranked after strenght meaning she's the 3rd strongest. "It's nothing special." Arlecchino says emotionless.
Colombina giggles "Oh really? You seemed to be mesmerized by those mountains covered in white beautiful snow."
Arlecchino didn't reply. She thought it was a little weird that colombina suddenly talked to her, but she didn't think much of it.


Thank you for all the support!
Update is coming soon:)

Fanart cr: dele7n

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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