The next day at school, Francis confronted me, "Were you the one who told those lies to my parents? That's so not funny!"

I snicker, "Yeah, I was the one who told your parents. What about it?"

"You will pay for this. I will get you back!"

"Ok, bet." I say, declaring a prank war between us.

I honestly don't know why I did it, I should've just walked away if I knew the next year would be one hell of a shit show for the both of us.


Hidden items, prank calls, ruined plans, unexpected scares, rumours and many more were used during the prank war. He had many good ideas that were perfectly executed. Since I was an amature prankster, I couldn't keep up with it. But the whole school was aware of our war we had so I kept going on to save the embarrassment of being the one who lost in a prank war.

There were many times where I just wanted to call it quits. But I stayed motivated and kept fighting. I stayed up many nights planning the perfect prank but just ended up being mediocre. I have to admit though, he was extremely creative and came up with things that I would've never been able to even think of.

I spent another night with a pen in my hand and a notebook that was left open on an almost empty page that read "Ways to get back at Francis". Just thinking about getting back at Francis kept me motivated and made me get out of bed easily during the mornings. I kept clicking my pen against my head hoping it would give me an idea on how to prank him.

But I suddenly came up with an amazing idea. Imagine this, being stuck in a tight spaced room with tiny bugs crawling all over you. Horrible right? And the best part is, I would record the whole entire thing just to look back at for laughs. This was probably the best idea I had ever come up with ever since the war had started.

The plan was to get a cute girl to lead him into the janitor's closet at school to make out, talk, whatever. Meanwhile, I would crawl into the vents and dump a bunch of bugs that I bought from the school weirdo.. this was going to be the best prank ever!

On the day of the prank, I went to the janitor's closet to make sure that the door would only open from the outside and couldn't open it from the inside. Once I had finished my job, I stupidly closed the door and locked myself in. Great going.

I banged on the door and screamed, "HELP PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! I'M TRAPPED!" But no matter how loudly I screamed or how hard I banged the door, no one could hear me. I knew I was going to be trapped there for a very long time.

But suddenly, I heard the door open. The mystery person walked in and before I could tell them to not close the door, they closed it.

"You stupid idiot! The door only opens from the outside!" I screamed and hit the person who turned out to be Francis.

"(Y/N)?! What the hell are you doing here?!" He shouted. I kept quiet. Gosh, this was so embarrassing. My prank had failed and couldn't be saved and now I'm trapped in a small closet with the one person I hated the most.

"Honestly, why are you so stupid." I whispered to myself as I looked around to see if there was any other way to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Is that insult directed towards me or you? Last time I checked, YOU'RE the one who started the prank war and YOU'RE the one who got us trapped here in the first place!"

I scoff, "I only intended on getting back at you for the time you threw that egg at (R/N)! I didn't know it was going to get this far! But why are we putting the blame on me? You're the one who ruined everything!"

Francis Forever (Oneshot series)Where stories live. Discover now