Prank Wars

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Gender Neutral (Meaning the Main Character can be seen as a girl, boy, or whatever you want who cares)

As I waited in the lunch line, I suddenly felt a rush of coldness take over my body, jolting my shoulders up in response. Someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water on me, and I knew exactly who it was.

"I swear to GOD Wilkerson, I will make you pay for this!" I barked as the blonde haired boy ran further and further away from me. Honestly, I don't know what it was but he always made me extremely furious, even if he was just standing around doing nothing.

Actually, I think I might have a tiny clue on what it is.

Back during freshman year, I remember there was a particular blonde haired boy that would sit behind me in class. Francis Wilkerson, the boy who caused trouble everywhere he went. During class he was extremely distributive, in the halls he stood out, and outside of school he was always getting into some sort of trouble. I even saw him in the back of a police car once while I was walking home from school.

It used to not bother me much back then, it's not like I was the perfect kid either. I would sometimes pull harmless pranks on people just when I felt like it. I honestly get it, like you only live once, so live your best life!

I have spoken to him a few times before that day. He would ask me questions that were class related and sometimes said hi to me in the hallway. I used to not mind him back then and he was genuinely nice to me. So what happened?

It all began when I was talking to someone in the halls. But this isn't just some random person, this was (R/N)(L/N), someone who I had a massive crush on for a very long time. I had been trying to make a move on him, but there wasn't an appropriate time to do so until that very moment.

It was important that everything went according to plan. If I had messed everything up, I would've crawled into a hole and slowly rot in it until I died. Luckily, that didn't happen since everything was going smoothly. I was having a decent conversation with the guy, and it even seemed like he was into me! Can you believe it?

This is when everything went downhill. As I was about to ask for his number, I heard a crack and saw he had jumped a little. I looked at the back of his head and saw someone had thrown an egg at him! What the hell? I looked behind him and saw him.. Francis and his goons laughing at what they had done to (R/N). The audacity of some people!

I felt rage take over my whole body. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I shouted. The grins on their faces dropped, and just like that they began running away. I didn't bother to chase them since (R/N) was still with me.

"Are you okay? Do you need some napkins?" I offered as I began opening my bag to look for some tissues. "Ah," He begins, "There's no need. I'm gonna excuse myself to the washroom." And just like that, he left and never spoke to me since.

When I got home that day, I couldn't help but think about what had happened. If that egg didn't hit him, would he have given me his number anyway? Why did Francis throw that egg at him? If things went differently, would I be on a date with a super hot guy right now?

I finally came to a conclusion that Francis was at fault for the whole incident. He was always bringing trouble with him. He ruined everything for me.

I stupidly came up with an idea to get back at him. Since I had a history of pulling some pranks, I decided that I would do one on him. I decided on pulling a prank where I called his parents and told them that I was pregnant with Francis's baby and he was kicked out of school. Long story short, his parents were not happy with him and he eventually found out it was me, and he was not happy about it.

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