Requests/Author's Note (very open)

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Heyo so this is a place where you can leave some requests for me and stuff also here are some side notes

Again, requests are very very open 😁

-I am a procrastinator so there will most likely be very slow updates (unless I fix my procrastination problem but im also procrastinating on that as well 🧍🏻)

-This book is to help me practice my writing skills more (because of the pandemic, I didnt talk to anyone which messed up my conversation/grammar skills a lot) so sorry if there are any mistakes. Pointing them out is highly encouraged because learning from my mistakes helps me a lot. I also want to learn how to make stories with character build ip

-I do not own Malcom in The Middle or the characters from it. All credits go to the original creators

-I don't think I will need to add any trigger warnings for this, but it is still good to look out for them at the beginning of every chapter. Make sure you read them at your own risk.

-I will have two names for the reader which is
(Y/N): Your Name
MC: Main Character
Which ever one I use depends on which one is easier for me to write like for example, MC is much faster to write instead of (Y/N).

Time for things I will and will not write:

Will Write:
-Platonic stories 
-Episode retells (for example: someone requests I rewrite an episode of Malcom in The Middle but with reader in it)
-I mean I could try to write lemon (the only lemon I have ever written was a minecraft Steve x Creeper one as a joke) so beware if its absolutely horrible
-Idk what other genres there are but as all as they're not in the "will not write" category then we are all set

Will Not Write:
-Underage (for example, reader is like 14 and Francis is like 24 and they're written under the romance genre. That's just fcked up)
-Kinky stuff (i think im adding random stuff at this point 🧍🏻)
(I think I'll add more later on)

I also have some other stories on my profile if anyone is interested in reading
-Six, Short For Sixty-Seven: A Squid Game fanfic of reader x Kang Saebyeok (discontinued)
-Our Love: An Arcane fanfic of Vi x OC (not published yet but this is a pretty big project that I am making so I want to promote it)

I will also make announcements on my profile so if you want some updates on how I am doing with writing a new chapter you can go check that out

Anyways, that is all I think.

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