S1. Ch.11: Nightmare

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She then went her way to the blackboard and wrote her name in it, before she turns around and looked at everyone in the class, but the one she was focusing her gaze the most was none other than Y/n.

Y/n noticed this and just shrugged it off as he stared at the raven haired beauty.

Kurumi: "My name is Tokisaki Kurumi. Nice to meet you." She introduced herself with a smile, gaining all of the attentions of the boys, except for Y/n and Shido.

Kurumi: "I am Spirit." She added, making everyone looked at her with confused look, while Y/n, Shido, Tohka, and Origami widens their eyes in shock.

There was dead silence until Ms. Okamine spoke.

Ms. Okamine: "Um...Okay! Thank you for that unique self-introduction! Now let me find you a seat."

Kurumi: "Before you do, may I mention something?"

Ms. Okamine: "Hm? What is it?"

Kurumi: "I am still unfamiliar with this school, if someone wouldn't mind showing me around the school grounds after school, I would be most appreciative."

Tonomachi then raised his hand.

Tonomachi: "I can do it!"

Kurumi: "Rejected."

Kurumi then walked her way at Y/n's desk.

Kurumi: "That's a cool looking watch you got there." Kurumi said, making Y/n confused and shocked at the same time.

He then quickly looked at his left wrist and saw a small glimpse of the Omnitrix coming out from his jacket. Y/n quickly covers the Omnitrix and looked at Kurumi.

Y/n: "Yes. It tells time...and nothing else." Y/n said as Kurumi giggles.

Kurumi: "That's what watchs does, silly~ unless..."

Y/n: *sweatdrops* "Unless what?"

Kurumi: "Nevermind~ In any way, could I ask you to guide me around the school grounds after school...Y/n-san?" Kurumi said, making Y/n shocked.

Y/n: "Woman...how do you know my name?" Y/n said in his thoughts as he looked at Kurumi.

Kurumi: "Well?" Kurumi asked, making Y/n snapped out from his thoughts.

Y/n: "Uhh, sure. I'll show you around after school." Y/n said, making Kurumi lets out a smile as she looked at Y/n with predator eyes.


School is now over and Y/n and Shido is currently contacting Kotori through the earpiece.

Y/n: "Well?" Y/n asked Kotori through the earpiece.

Kotori: "We've confirmed it ourselves. She is indeed a Spirit. Well, it works out for us. Win over her heart before the AST interferes."

Shido: "Who's gonna do that?"

Kotori: "We'll let Y/n handle this. She seems to be more interested in him than you. And if things went south, he has the watch to protect himself. Besides, Y/n knows how to handle a woman than you."

Shido: "Huh?!"

Kotori: "He rarely needs our help to handle a woman than you." Kotori said as Shido lets out a sigh.

Shido: *sighs* "If only I was good enough, then Y/n wouldn't have to this all by himself."

Y/n: "Do you know how you can be better?"

Shido: "If I learned to dod-"

Y/n: "If you learned how to dodge, yes."

Kurumi: "Hello, Y/n~" Kurumi said from behind, making Y/n turned around and looked at her.

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