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"We've experienced a lot of loss here in Hawkins," said Nancy as she addressed the school field. "Too many valuable lives lost in this town. I can't even begin to name them. So many students who never made it to where we are privileged enough to stand right now. But this is not a day to mourn. Instead, we celebrate them. We are here because of them, because we help each other in everything we do. Every one of those people helped you get to right here. Remember them. Celebrate them."

Nancy smiled. "To the class of '86!"

The field of students all cheered and applauded as Principal Higgins walked to the podium. "Well said, Miss Wheeler. Now we get to the bit you've all waited for..."

"Where the hell is he?" Faith searched the crowd behind her anxiously. She bit down on her lip and held onto her cap as it threatened to slip off the top of her head.

"Would you stop?" Robin warned, pushing her to face the front and adjusting Faith's gown. "He's gonna be here. He wouldn't miss this."

Faith picked at her nails as she watched the first few students mount the stage to collect their graduation diplomas.

Robin turned to her left and spied Steve watching on from the stands at the back. "What's up with her?" He mouthed.

"Who do you think?" She mouthed back and he folded his arms, shaking his head and laughing.

"What's happening?" Dustin asked and Steve continued to chuckle.

"Faith's nervous he won't make it," he explained and Dustin let out a belly laugh. 

Steve eyed Chase and Andy, who stood at the back of the students ready to graduate. They hung their heads low, one of them clutching at a handful of missing posters for Jason still. 

A tap on Dustin's shoulder prompted him to turn to Max, Lucas, Mike, Eleven and Will, who all stood behind them.

Max giggled. "Is he all set?"

"Oh, are you kidding?" Dustin looked back to the stage. "He's ready."

"Edward Munson," Principal Higgins finally called and the field fell silent. "Uhh... Eddie Munson?"

Everyone started to mutter to each other and exchange confused looks. But a loud riff echoed through the crowd, rendering them silent once again. 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' by Scorpions pounded from the speakers onstage.

Faith buried her face into her hands in realisation and Robin started to laugh, forcing her to remove her hands and watch.

"What happened to laying low?" Faith asked and Robin laughed. 

"Oh, please. Like he was ever gonna do that. Owens got both your names cleared, let him have fun with it!" 

Out from the side of the stage came Eddie, bounding towards Mr Higgins, dancing a little as he did. He donned the graduation gown over his usual attire of ripped jeans and a denim jacket. He wore his Hellfire shirt proudly.

Mr Higgins looked on in shock as Eddie approached him. He held out the scroll in bewilderment, which Eddie snatched from his grasp, flipping him off. The song reached its climax and Eddie mimicked playing the electric guitar with the scroll, stepping to the front of the stage to look out across the crowd.

Eddie scanned the jostle of students until he finally locked eyes with Faith. He courtseyed, removing his cap and waving it grandly as he did. His fluffy hair fell down across his face as he stood back up. Eddie threw the cap to her and Robin caught it, handing it to Faith as she grinned.

Faith shook her head and laughed, gazing at him lovingly, and seeing those beautiful eyes sparkle with life back at her. He winked, his tongue peaking out from between his soft lips as he smirked.

As Faith stared at him she realised she was looking at all she could ever need. She was safe. She was loved. She was with Eddie Munson.

The hero of Hawkins High.  

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