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"It's underneath the lake!" Dustin exclaimed proudly.

"What? How does that even happen?" Steve looked on in confusion, shining a torch towards the water and back into Dustin's face, who held his hands up to shield his eyes.

"It's where Patrick...uhh..." Faith began but trailed off.

Eddie gulped. "Died."

Faith felt as if the days were getting shorter as it had already turned dark again. They had joined with the rest of the group at Lover's Lake to investigate the "watergate", as Dustin had gladly named it. Steve, Robin and Eddie hadn't been too keen on taking Faith to the lake with them but they were out of options and figured sticking together would be the safest. Faith was feeling a lot better after a nap and food at Robin's, though wasn't exactly feeling herself.

"And you're totally sure?" Robin confirmed.

Dustin shrugged and pulled a face, to which Robin and Steve frowned. Dustin held out his hand, motioning it as if to say "so-so".

"Only one way to find out if my theory is correct," Dustin looked towards a boat down the shore. The rest of them followed his gaze.

"You didn't think to check before we got here?" Eddie snapped.

Nancy crossed her arms defensively. "Are you kidding? I wasn't letting any of the kids anywhere near that thing. Plus, we had to wait for the cops to leave. It was flooded with people until about an hour ago."

"Yeah, probably full of reporters too – filthy know-it-alls, don't even check their facts before hounding wanted people in the press," Eddie mumbled.

Nancy's nose crinkled as she glared. "They're just doing their job with the information they're given."

"Oh, yeah? Maybe try being something interesting then," he retaliated.

Before Nancy could react, Faith stepped in front of Eddie. "Okay, why don't we go now, huh?"

"Oh, you think you're going?" Steve asked and shook his head. "Absolutely not!"


"Are you kidding me?" He argued. "You were half dead like two hours ago."

Eddie interrupted. "Don't try arguing with her, man, she won't give it up."

"Two and a half hours ago actually," Faith corrected. "And I'm fine now, let me go."

"It's not happening."

"Oh, that's too bad, because it is happening and there's nothing you can do about it," Faith challenged. "I'm coming with you."

Steve turned away and walked towards the boat, pulling it back the group. "No, no, nope, no way, no–"

Faith, Steve, Eddie and Robin were pushed out onto the water in the boat by the others. Steve sighed as he began to row with Eddie's help.

"How did you talk me into letting you come again?"

"Magic powers," Faith grinned and winked at Robin, who laughed.

"Told you," Eddie interjected and Steve scoffed.

"Just row, dude."

Faith waved over at Nancy, Dustin, Max and Lucas. "Don't forget to put the kids to bed at nine, Nance!"

Nancy returned a sour expression and Faith raised an eyebrow. "What did we ever do to her?"

Eddie sighed. "I dunno. I mocked her job and you talked her out of getting in the boat, so now she can't be with her boyfriend here. Wonder what could be so wrong."

Life Burns Faster | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now