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The group reassembled in the vehicle later on, having changed into military uniform that would camouflage them for battle.

"I wanna go over the plan one more time," Nancy said to them all. "Phase one."

"Max and Lucas meet Erica at the Creel house," started Robin.

"Phase two."

"Me, Steve, you and Faith meet Erica at the playground," Robin continued. "She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready."

"Phase three."

Steve chimed in. "Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her which'll put him in his trance."

"Phase four?"

"Me and Eddie draw the bats away," added Dustin, and Eddie rubbed a hand on his head playfully.


"We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and..." Robin held up the bottle of alcohol. "...flambé."

"Nobody moves onto the next phase until we've all copied," Nancy warned. "Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?"

Everyone nodded. "Got it."

Steve drove Lucas and Max to the Creel house. "It's all gonna be okay," Max said to Faith, who gave her the tightest hug.

"Okay, but you keep Kate Bush close by, okay?" Faith rubbed her arm up and down. "Unstoppable, remember?"

Max nodded and smiled nervously before leaving with Lucas. The rest of the group drove on to Eddie's trailer. Nancy led the way and they found themselves underneath the gate once again. Steve climbed the rope into the Upside Down and dragged the mattress underneath the opening.

"You got the cassette?" Nancy checked and Faith held it up, clutching it tightly as if her life depended on it – which, in this instance, it did.

One by one they climbed the rope and entered the Upside Down. Eddie stepped aside to let Faith climb it and Robin knelt down to boost her up. Faith caught Eddie's eyes, shining with angst and worry. As they were leaving the trailer, Steve turned to Eddie and Dustin.

"Hey, guys, listen," he got their attention. "If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Draw the attention of the bats. Keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just–"

"Decoys," Dustin interrupted as if he'd heard it a million times already. "Don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve."

"Absolutely, I mean, look at us," Eddie stared straight at Faith with a plain expression, sneering a little. "We are not heroes."

Steve nodded and turned to leave with Nancy and Robin, but Faith stepped forward. "Be careful."

"Always am, sweetheart," Eddie stared at her, emotionless. "You know me."

"I'm serious, Eddie," she snapped. "And you better give the performance of your life – I'll be listening."

They stared at each other for a moment and Eddie smirked. Faith couldn't tell if it was butterflies in her stomach or if she just felt sick at the thought of Eddie putting himself in danger. She smacked her lips and turned around, following the others as they left. Faith felt conflicted, wishing she could have hugged him or left things better, but it felt impossible. She couldn't tell if she was annoyed at him or herself. 

Eddie struggled to tear his eyes from Faith, watching her walk away.

"You okay?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, dude," he replied. "Come on."

Life Burns Faster | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now