Character Stories

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Kate is a 17-year-old teenager, whose childhood was very difficult. When she was only 5 years old, her parents divorced, which affected her mental health. Now she is a sweet, smart girl who loves everyone.


Samantha is a rebellious teenager. She doesn't want to know anything about anyone. At the age of 13, she started getting into trouble with the police due to the consumption of narcotics. Now she is a girl who always gets into trouble but is always there to help her friends.


Timmy is the most popular boy in the whole high school. All the girls adore him. He is Kate's boyfriend. But his past is not as beautiful as his present life. At the age of 14, he started harming himself and fell depressed because of his mother's death. Now he is a strong, handsome boy who madly loves Kate.


Noah is a boy who is passionate about horror. His biggest dream is to become a director and one day create his own film. He is the "Clown of the Group" because even when a person is bored he makes her laugh and for that reason everyone loves him.


Grace is the most free-spirited girl in the group. She is sociable with everyone. She doesn't want to get involved in the dramas that are created. She wants to be surrounded only by positive people. She is an excellent student and has a crush on Timmy.

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