Chapter 242: World after the fall (14)

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Chapter 242: World after the fall (14)


It had been a while since he last visited Gwanghwamun.

He visited the area when he was there to buy books for his college classes and work, but that was it. Instead, Jaehwan saw the place on TV and various news stations. It used to be full of people with candles and people shouting to protect something.

But none of them were here anymore.

People went back to their normal lives. To their original lives. The only ones left here were the ones who did not have anywhere to return. Jaehwan saw people sitting inside the tent in front of General Lee's statue eating cup noodles. Some fought for the dead people while some fought for the living. Some fought for the greater good while some fought for their organization.

And in the middle of all of them, Jaehwan had not fought for anything yet.

"Hey, why did you bring me out here? You two have jobs but I'm still unemployed."

Yoonhwan spoke grumpily and Seoyul scolded him.

"We were fired, remember?"

After Jaehwan quit the job, Seoyul also quit working for the company. It was after an incident as it was bound to happen. Jaehwan felt apologetic for Seoyul who tried hard to get a job, but Seoyul seemed happy. Yoonhwan added, "Oh, right? Haha, we're all in the same boat then."

"Yoonhwan, you look too happy."

Yoonhwan laughed and Seoyul snapped at him.

"Huh? What's that? What's the crowd there?"

As they walked past the tent area toward the King Sejong statue, the number of people increased. Some organizations were shouting something in protest.

"Ugh. This place is always too noisy."

Yoonhwan frowned and looked around.

"Huh? Hey, isn't it him? The doctor?"

Yoonhwan then pointed at a giant object installed next to the statue. It looked like a tower. It was a strange tower to most people, but to Jaehwan, it looked familiar. The tower was created by various trash and abandoned furniture, but Jaehwan had a strange feeling about it.

"Oh, I saw him too! I saw it on the news that he was creating that there."


They then approached the tower. It was a very high tower, and it was hard to believe that it was created by one man. There was metal reinforcements and cement holding it in place in various places.

The height was probably was a taller than ten meters.

It was lower than the other high buildings, but it was tall enough to kill a man if they fell off. The doctor was on top of it.

-Everyone! We must realize! We are trapped inside the tower!

The doctor who said the same thing every time was there. People murmured as they passed by.

"Whoa, he's still doing that?"

"How did he even make that?"

But the protesters who were always here didn't seem to be interested in the doctor. Some of their leaders even came to confront the doctor, saying that the doctor was in the way of their protests.

"I heard he's getting paid to do that," someone said. But Jaehwan couldn't understand. Who would pay him? He wasn't representing anyone. Why? For what reason?

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