Chapter 188: Fallen star (5)

Start from the beginning

The mind of a human who could destroy the entire world no matter what... she did not know what it was like. Despite the many years she had lived, it wasn't enough to know what it was like.

She then felt loneliness grasping her. She couldn't fight the emotion even if she knew it wasn't her loneliness.

"Don't be depressed."


"I don't want to see you being shaken by such a thing."

Surha turned and walked into the fortress. People then began to move. Sirwen walked over to Jaehwan and spoke.

"Hah... that witch. Don't worry Jaehwan, I'll take care of her..."

"Y-yes, Jaehwan. You didn't do anything bad..."

People began to reassure Jaehwan, but he couldn't hear anything. Did he do something wrong? Did he think everything would go fine because it had been solved without problems? He couldn't forget Imai's words.

It was then that the sky turned colors.

It wasn't just the sky that was covered by a dark cloud. It turned pitch black, just like space.

"Huh? What?!"

And with that, screams came from all over. It seemed like something was going to happen in <Depth>.

"NO! My link is broken!"

"M-me too!"


With some shouts from the Vicegerents, people began to become uneasy. There was the sudden loss of the link, and only one being had the power to sever links on such a large scale.

Machina of the Daeus.

With the explosion of world power, Vicegerents and Followers who became Lost Ones screamed. Jaehwan realized this wasn't only happening within the 7th region. The world power was spreading across all areas within <Depth>.

It wasn't certain as to how this was possible, but Jaehwan knew who was behind this. There was only one person who could do this in <Depth>.


The influence of power increased as time passed. It now made Awakeners grab their heads from the pain. Everyone except Jaehwan was now kneeling down on the ground in pain.

After a while, darkness began to swirl within the air.

People realized that it wasn't just darkness. It was...

"Oh no... A unique world?" Surha was in awe. It was a unique world. Someone's enormous world power had swept the entire <Depth> into their own unique world.

"Sea of Blood, Mountain of Corpses!"

People screamed at the presence of the terrifying massacre appearing from all around them. Surha knew that this was part of the unique world. It was different from hers, but...

"W-what is that?"

And with someone's voice, every living being of the <Depth> looked up to the sky. There was a shining star.

The giant star shined brighter than anything else.

As everyone looked up, they shook in fear. They all realized what the star was supposed to be.

"That- that's it!"

"No way..."

"That's the big..."

"It was shape of a star!"

And in that moment, something soared against the star. A giant robot flew toward it.

It was a Gigantes. The Gigantes pulled out its sword, unleashing its own world power as it flew toward the star. Bright light filled the sky with a loud explosion and the world turned into white. Something broke down. Something appeared from where the star was at. And everyone saw.

The star was falling down.


"No way..."

The emotion that overcame the fear swept the people. It was madness. People realized what they were witnessing.

It was the revolution, the fall of one world. The fall of a world contributing to the beginning of a new one.

"It was true! Rupture..."


As every being was in astonishment as they looked up, only two beings were distant as they looked up to the sky.

"...Jaehwan?" Runald asked in confusion. Jaehwan glanced at Runald and placed his hand on his head. Runald felt relieved by the warmth of the hand. At least nothing had changed for him.

The debris of the destroyed star was falling down. Today was the day when the world turned dark and countless spirits perished.

<Big Brother> had fallen from the sky.

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