The Announcement

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"All students and teachers are to gather at the Great Hall. Now."  Dolores Umbridge's voice says over the loudspeaker of Hogwarts.

"What do you think she wants us for?" Emma Potter asks her older brother, Harry.

"No idea," he says shrugging. "Probably wants to humiliate us in front of the whole school. Again." 

Emma grumbles something inaudible under her breath as they - along with their friends, Hermione and Ron - walk towards the Great Hall with their class. 

When they reach the Great Hall, the class splits up to sit at their respective house tables. Emma cocks an eyebrow at Umbridge's squat form standing up at the staff table where the other teachers are sitting and casting irritated looks towards the pink toad. 

"Check out the looks the pink toad is getting," Emma mutters to her brother. "Almost as bad as the looks they gave Lockhart."

Harry groans. "Don't remind me of that lazy fraud."

Just then, a small group of people walk into the Hall, including the Malfoys, the Weasleys, Fudge, Amelia Bones, Kingsley, Tonks, Moody, Remus and Sirius disguised as Snuffles.

Dumbledore - who is almost never confused - is confused. "Hello friends. What are you all doing here?"

They all look at each other before Charlie Weasley says, "We all got an anonymous letter saying that we should all be here."

Umbridge clears her throat as everyone settles in. "Hem, hem."

Emma and the Weasley twins snicker.

"Back to my story - I have recieved a letter from... the future."

Whispers break out in the Hall again. The future? This better be good.

"Hem, hem." Umbridge clears her throat again and takes a letter out of her pocket and reads, 

"Dear Stupid Umbridge,"

Everyone howls in laughter as Umbridge scowls, definitely ticked off.

Hello. My name is Albus (don't judge, people, my parents thought it was cool) and I am from the future. Yes the future, you read that right. By now, (well I hope) a group of people have arrived in the Great Hall. After you have finished reading the letter, a series of movies will appear, depicting the future of my dad and aunt, Harry and Emma Potter."

Everyone in the Hall turns and stares in shock at the two, who are just as shocked and confused, Emma crawling under the table to hide from the stares. Meanwhile, Umbridge and Fudge look delighted that they will finally be able to show that the two are lying about Voldemort's return.

"Along with my cousins and adoptive brother (yes, I do have one, don't ask), I assessed a survey, asking everyone their opinions on the siblings. A shocking ninety-seven percent of the entire population of the wizarding world (yes, the entire population of the wizarding world) agreed that they have gone through heartbreak and mistreatment and want them to have a better life.

"I asked Dad and Auntie Em from my time and they authorised this, even though they know how their fifteen year old (and fourteen, for Emma) selves will act... so you can stop staring at them so Auntie Em can get out from under the table."

Emma and Harry look up shocked, Emma accidentally hitting the underside of the table. 

"Ow," she mutters, crawling out from under the table as everyone averts their gaze.

"The reason we are sending these movies is because we want them to not endure as much heartbreak like they did before. And also because something bad happened this year that we want them to prevent from happening."

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