4- RHM x Prisoner! Reader: Part 1

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Y/n's POV


That's how many days I've been trapped in this stupid airship. My so called "friends" never tried to come and save me. I've made 2 good friends in my time here. Nobody really knows his name, so everyone calls him Right Hand Man, or Right. The other person I met has been imprisoned here longer than I have, His name is Dave Panpa, he is in the cell next to mine.

I should probably mention how the Toppat Clan managed to capture me.

It started 4 months ago. It was a cloudy Wednesday afternoon. General Galeforce had given me a solo mission to go on without Henry, Ellie, and Charles.

"Y/n, we need you to sneak into the airship to see what the Toppat Clan is hiding", General said.

"Why can't Henry, Ellie, and Charles come with me?" I said.

"We need you to go on your own, as I had given Henry, Charles, and Ellie another mission to do. You will be going on this one on your own."

"Yes sir"

He tossed me the keys to the Government's second Helicopter as Charles was flying the other one. I caught the keys in my hand. "Thank You Sir," I said.

I flew the 'Copter to the location the General gave me and stopped in front of the airship as, if i got any closer, they'll detect me coming in. I put on my fly suit thingy that made me look like a human Flying Squirrel, and landed right on top of the ship. I saw an air shaft and I climbed through it leading me to the vents.

I managed to get to the Records area of the airship before I accidentally triggered an alarm. Multiple guards came at me at once and I knocked every one of them out using one swift move. I stopped to recollect my breath when a guard snuck attack me from behind. He covered my mouth and knocked me unconscious.

348 words

Chapter created: August 5th, 2022

Last updated: August 5th, 2022

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