Chapter Six - Wake Up/Hospital Visit Part II

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A few hours earlier(same time Kakashi woke up)
Obito bolted upright. He was sitting in a bed in an unknown—yet familiar—room. Obito fumbled around the room until he found a lightswitch. The light blinded him for a second. When he opened his eyes he found he was in his old room—from when he was 8. Obito found a calendar hanging on the wall. The days were crossed off and the next day was September 20th, xxxx. Obito saw he had written down they had training at training ground three at 7a.m.

I'm glad I  wrote stuff down when I was younger—Obito thought—But what in Kami's name is going on?

Obito sat on his bed to think. He was back in his 8 year old body—Do I still have my powers from my time?—He knew he didn't have the Rinnegan because he didnt feel the chakra drain from it. Obito pushed some chakra into his eyes to feel his Sharingan activate into a fully developed Mangekyou Sharingan.—good to know I still have that— actually activating his Mangekyou would have dispelled any genjutsu—if there was one place on him—so it's not a genjutsu

Obito sat on his bed crossing his legs—it's 1A.M now, so I've got a few hours before training; might as well think.—and that is what the man-turned-boy did. He thought for the few hours before his team training. He cried. He fumed. He felt self-loathing for what he grew to be. He felt guilt. He felt grief for those he lost. And he realized a love for someone he loathed for most of his life. By the time 6A.M came around Obito had changed in just those five hours. I guess time alone can change some people.

Obito left the confines of his room at 6A.M to meander slowly to training ground three. Even at the boy's slow pace he was the first to arrive.—Why isn't Kakashi here?— Obito was worried. Yes, he was the first here, but it was only 6:45. Kakashi usually shows up half an hour early—at least until Rins death.

Obito decided to sit on one of the many boulders lining the edge of the training ground to wait for his teammates and Sensei. He didn't have to wait long before his female teammate—Rin—showed up.
She immediately voiced her concern for their younger teammate.

"Obito, youre early, but where is Kakashi and Sensei?"

Obito ignored the girl, and instead looked off into the forest with a blank look. He knew it wasnt Kakashi's fault she died, and was no longer mad at him. But that doesnt stop the grief. When Obito heard Rin run up to someone behind him he pretended to not be paying attention.

"Sensei, do you know where Kakashi is?" Rin asks Minato worried.

"At the hospital."  Their Sensei replies.
Obito decided to turn to their Sensei and ask, "Why's he at the hospital?"

"It'd be best if he tells you himself," Minato vaguely answers, "You two can come with me to see him. He should wake up soon."

"I would like to come." Rin says excited but still worried for her teammate.

When the two look at Obito he shrugs his shoulders lazily and starts heading the the hospital.—Wait, tomorrow the White Fang is pronounced dead to the public—Obito thinks—Oh SHIT Kakashi found his dad dead last night

When the three arrived at the hospital Minato told his older students to wait for a minute outside Kakashis room. When Minato came out of the room a few minutes later he had worry visible on his face.

"You two can enter." he says and leads the two in.

Obito noticed Kakashi was deep in thought staring out the window. "Kakashi." Obito gently says getting said boy's attention. Kakashi visibly flinched and slowly turned to look at his teammates.

That scar— Obito thinks when he sees Kakashis left eye—hes from my time

"Kakashi, are you Okay?" Rin asks worried—effectively getting Kakashis attention—

"Why are you in the hospital?"

Kakashi froze when he looked at Rin. Obito saw the grief and guilt clearly on the visible half of the boy's face, and the tears pooling in his eyes. Rin began to panic, but Obito calmed her down and gently pushed her back to Minato.

Kakashi. Obito says softly again, gaining said boy's attention—but not fully, Kakashi wasnt making eye contact—When he saw this, Obito grabbed Kakashi's cheeks so they were eye to eye. Obito flashed his Mangekyou Sharingan and had a guilty apologetic smile on his face. The shock then relief on the youngers face was all it took for Obito's smile to turn to a fond one. The older unconsciously began to run his thumb over Kakashi's scar. Said boy had to close his eye as the older of the two ran his thumb down the scar.

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