Chapter 29: How To Live

Start from the beginning

Eliza and Asher dealt with the police, and with Martín's body. I don't know exactly where they buried Martín, but I honestly don't care. All I care about is Ezra waking up. 

Seeing Eliza come back with the same disgusting corn chips that will probably give me cancer made me gag in my mouth. But I smiled and took them anyway, "Thanks."

Eliza sighed while sitting back down.

She holds her bag of chips up to her face. Her voice raised an octave, "Lilac, this food is disgusting. And it's making me absolutely destroy the bathrooms here. Let's go to a real restaurant, Ezra will still be here when we come back."

"Nothing is going to happen in the hour that we're gone," Asher chimed in. 

I leaned back in my seat, holding my freaking corn chips.

I shook my head, "No, I want to stay here."

Eliza looked at me sympathetically, "Li, sweetheart, I understand that you're worried about Ezra. And I am, too. But you've been sleeping and eating here every day, I think it would be good for you if you came to a restaurant for a bit and got some air."

I knew that she was right. I hadn't stepped outside in three days. 

But I still shook my head. I needed to be here in case he woke up.

Eliza sighed and rose to her feet, and so did Asher. Eliza told me, "I'll bring you back some food."

I nodded and watched them walk away. My leg bounced up and down as I sat, as I stared at the same wall I had been for three days.


Ew, I hate these fucking corn chips.

I press them into a ball before throwing them into the garbage bin beside me. I run a hand through my hair and sigh, leaning my head back against the seat. 

I'm starting to hate everything about hospitals. I hate the harsh lights that make you feel like you're in an asylum. I hate the smell. Did I mention that I hate the corn chips? 

All I want is for him to wake up. I want to see his brown eyes, I want to smell his cologne, I want to tell him that I love him.

Over these months, I've fallen so deeply in love. I've gained confidence, I've learned that I'm worthy of being loved. Ezra took all of the things that my parents had put into my head, and shattered them. He has shown me that I'm enough, that I'm worthy of love. 

Maybe I've lost a bit of morality along the way. The 'good.' I no longer feel this desire to do good and be good. I've killed, more than once. But I don't feel guilty, or bad. I kill when I need to, something that I wouldn't have been able to do years ago.

I've grown. I've gotten stronger.

Because of him.

My blinks start to become longer and longer. There's something about hospitals that just make me so tired. 

I start to drift off.

"Hey - sit back down!" a doctor yelled from down the hall. 

The voice sounded disoriented as my head snapped up from my half-asleep state. I could hear arguing and grunting in the hall, followed by another doctor saying, "You need to sit!"

"Shut the fuck up and don't tell me what to do. I need to see my wife - where is she? Where's Lilac?" my ears were met with the voice that I loved so much. Ezra's.

I sprung out of my seat and ran into the hallway. Down the hallway, four doctors were trying to hold Ezra back and keep him in his room. He pushed them and yelled, "I need to see my fucking girl, now."

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