Nico II "Staff of Seduction" {Meet-Cute}

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Muse: Israeli Actress, Singer and Model Daliah Lavi
Musician: German Musician, Model, Actress and former member of The Velvet Underground Nico
Time: Early Seventies

Muse: Israeli Actress, Singer and Model Daliah LaviMusician: German Musician, Model,  Actress and former member of The Velvet Underground NicoTime: Early Seventies

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When her manager told her he'd found the perfect nude model, a celebrity was the last thing Eliza was expecting. Nico sat at the paintress' coffee table, still in her trench coat as she was trying to warm up from the snowy weather she'd just escaped. Her gloved hands swiped up and down her biceps, the friction relieving her chills.

Disregarding the biting cold, it was actually a rather pleasant Saturday morning. It was just before noon, and the sun was already high in the sky. The sky itself, being painted a clear-blue, was crowded with fluffy white clouds that danced before the crystal-colored and even-tempered background.

Eliza's nails tapped against her kitchen counter as she waited for the whistle of the kettle. She kept her eyes trained on any and everything but the beautiful woman seated on her couch. Although she wasn't a huge fan of Nico, in fact she only vaguely knew who she was, knowing the amount of influence that the woman in her sitting room had was enough to leave Eliza feeling shaky.

She had a large piece due in a number of months for a community art center just outside of her neighborhood. The owner had requested that she paint a floor to ceiling piece on the wall of the foyer, stressing that it should feature a woman au naturel. Why he was so adamant on this, Eliza didn't know, nor did she care to know. She just wanted to get the work done and get her pay — as quickly as possible. But, that would prove to be a little more nerve-racking with the knowledge that she'd be alone in a room with an international celebrity. An international celebrity who'd be in the nude.

The kettle shouted to signify it'd finished its job, the loud release of tension being something that Eliza envied. She placed a teabag in each cup, sugar, tea, and cream already sitting neatly on a silver tray.

Eliza had offered the model tea upon her arrival, an offer which the woman accepted graciously, and was currently preparing the cups in her kitchen whilst in the midst of an internal freak-out. Her focus was pointed at the window to her left, although there was nothing to see beyond the straggly branches of an old willow tree. Nico is in my apartment, Nico is in my apartment. Nico is in my apart— shit! Eliza cried out in pain as the piping hot water pooled around her fingers which were absentmindedly hooked over the lip of the teacup. My mother always warned me not to do that, she remembered.

Nico came rushing into the kitchen at the commotion, walking in to see Eliza hunched over and clutching her throbbing fingers. The brunette was still groaning in agony, the kettle thankfully having landed on the counter and not broken on the floor. "Do you have bandages?" Nico inquired, stepping closer to Eliza with her hands outstretched to pull the burned fingers closer.

Eliza moaned a laborious 'yes', voice straining with her eyes screwed shut. She gave the blonde vague instructions about where her first aid kit was located in the guest bathroom, putting most of her focus in trying not to cry at the searing discomfort.

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