Immediately I was swept into a warm embrace while being twirled around. I smiled, feeling the safe warmth of Hobi. I wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head against his firm chest.

"Im sorry if you felt like you had to come," I apologized.

"Are you kidding? Love I had to physically fight the others to get to you first. They were all worried sick."

I frowned, realizing how strongly emotions can be passed to one another.

"I'm really sorry. It was terrifying. He showed up out of no where...a-and he said he knew I was home because he saw me through the window." Hoseok wrinkled his nose in distaste before sweeping me off my feet and into my room.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked when he set me on the bed and opened the curtains to the rather dreary day. Then he turned and eyed my suitcase still sitting in the corner of my room untouched.

"Have you packed anymore clothing?" he asked, ignoring my question. I sighed before shaking my head. He nodded before turning to my closet and grabbing random articles of clothing, tossing them to me before he opened my suitcase.

"Oh and bring this," he gently folded the gucci dress Taehyung had gotten for me so long ago. I smiled at the memory before furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait why would I need that?"

"Obvious reasons," he shrugged, zipping up my suitcase and pulling it to the door.

"Wait Hobi we don't leave until Saturday!"

"And you think I'm going to leave you here so Seojun can come back as soon as I'm gone? No way. Plus if I did that, Jungkook would come and kidnap you himself."

"So where are we going?" I asked curiously, grabbing my bag and pulling it over my shoulder.

"The dorm."

"Wait but I don't want to take one of-" he cut me off by pressing a finger to my lips.

"Then you might as well sleep with one of us," he smirked before pecking my nose. I blushed at his nonchalant words before following him out the door and to his beautifully parked car that looked like it definitely did not belong in front of this complex.

He loaded my suitcase in the back as I scouted out the parking lot. So far no sign of Seojun or his fancy car. Maybe he left as soon as he heard about Hoseok or something. I turned and ducked into the car before shutting the door and buckling up.

"The others have missed you. Y'know we haven't seen you since the meeting."

I glanced guiltily over at Hoseok. That meeting was almost three days ago and I thought they had been busy since then with more tour preparations and sleep now that they were temporarily home.

"I thought you guys were busy and I would just be a distraction." He looked at me unsure in the mirror before resting a hand on my bare thigh. It was a comforting touch and not at all with any bad intentions.

"There's always time for you."

Now where have I heard that before? Right! Taehyung said the same thing!

"But if I may ask," he paused as I nodded. "What have you been doing for the past days?"

I bit my lip before trying to cover my blush. Ever since I worked at the restaurant and Yunhai convinced me to work at BigHit because of... 

Why sugarcoat it at this point? I was up 24/7 reading fanfic after fanfic. It's become an obsession at this point and I can't say the boys would be too happy to see half my library full of Stray Kids fics. But they should be grateful because at least the other half is about them! Anyway I was up late last night reading this one about Jimin.. I think it was called, "The Sirens Curse"? Just before that I had finished one about Kook called "Blood Ink" too. I was too wrapped up in the books and characters to check anything really. I do however know, I had a strong urge to kiss Jimin like there was no tomorrow.

"...designs," I mumbled before clearing my throat and attempting to cover my cheeks with my sweaters. Hoseok shrugged it off thankfully before focusing back on the road. I let out a small sigh of relief before releasing my hands from covering my blush.

Thank God. I don't know how I would explain my intense feelings for Jimin right now.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Hi my lovely readers! I hope you're enjoying so far. I have happened to find a few oppurtunities to write the next chapters of Seven so I hope they turn out well and to your likings! 

I really actually did finish "The Sirens Curse" and let me tell you...BEST FREAKING BOOK I HAVE EVER DISCOVERED ON WATTPAD. Next to Blood Ink of course because who can deny that beautifull sculpted tattoo artist. Anyway go check them out because they are definitely worth spending your time on! (way better than this dumb book :/)

Anyway have a good day or night where ever you happen to be in this small big world! Lot's of love 


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