Chapter 2- Silver Moon

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Armando POV

We arrived at the gates of the Silver Moon pack and I had forgotten how different their pack lands were to ours. Silver Moon was far vaster, but we had more buildings spread out throughout the pack-land to accommodate more members.

As we were cleared by security at the front gate and made our way down the road, I could see a huge lake to my left and, driving down more, an enormous mansion came into view.

I can't remember the last time I came to visit, but I do know it was before I became Alpha.

We were greeted by Omegas who took our suitcases and bags up to our rooms and others were ordered to park our vehicles since there were at least six other packs coming to stay for the weekend-long event, all from different parts of the United States.

Approaching the front entrance, we noticed Alpha Luis and Luna Marie, who were the Alpha and Luna of the Silver Moon pack. They were, of course, greeting everyone who was arriving.

"Armando!, or should I say Alpha Armando, gosh how long has it been, man? five years?". Alpha Luis greeted me with a handshake and Luna Marie gave us all a warm smile.

"It's been a while for sure," I replied.

"Well, I'm glad you were all able to make it out to join us, it will be an eventful weekend for sure and I wish you all good luck in finding your mates." Alpha Luis said, sounding very hopeful in his words, but I wasn't expecting to find my mate at all this weekend.

I already had a mate once and I lost her.

As far as we all knew, second chance mates were rare, the odds were about one in ten thousand. Maybe a million for all I knew.

The Moon Goddess didn't just go out giving second chance mates to just anyone. I would love to think that maybe I had done something to deserve another chance at love, but I didn't want to set myself up for a huge disappointment if nothing happened this weekend.

"Welcome everyone, please enter, the omegas will all show you all to your rooms, dinner will be served around eight and breakfast will be ready tomorrow morning around seven and a light lunch later in the afternoon, then we will prepare for dinner and, of course, the ball tomorrow evening."

Luna Marie explained while we made our way inside thanking both the Luna and the Alpha for the accommodations.

An Omega greeted me with a warm smile while she guided me to my room, which happened to be right next to Raul's room.

Usually, werewolves from the same pack were put on the same floor together, but higher-ranking werewolves were accommodated on a higher floor in separate bedrooms.

I was in my room relaxing and debating whether I should have dinner brought up to my room and not go downstairs to the common room with everyone else. I could just stay inside, eat, and maybe watch a movie, I thought to myself.

There came a light knock at my door, and I sighed in irritation. I already knew who it was without having to guess.

Raul turned the knob and peeked his head inside. "Hey Armando, you coming down?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, I might just stay here and have food brought up."

"Ah, come on Armando, get off of this bed and let's go downstairs to eat. Stop being an ass, what if she is downstairs right now waiting for you and you are being a lazy butt up here, too stubborn to leave your room."

I glared at him, "I'm not being lazy, I just don't feel like going down there to eat; only to be surrounded by strangers. Also, you don't know if I even have a second chance-mate, so stop assuming that I do."

"What's going on, Armando? You've been sulking this entire time, ever since I first asked you to accompany me to this mating ball." Raul asked.

I sighed, feeling defeated, "I just feel that just by being here I'm betraying some part of her. I know she's dead, but there's a part of me that refuses to accept that she is gone. I still love her, and I probably will always love her. She's not dead to me, at least not in my heart. I don't even want to think about the possibility of a second chance when my heart still yearns for her, for her kiss, for her touch. I closed my eyes, and I could still see her face; I could still hear her voice." tears began to well up in my eyes and threatened to spill down my face.

"Look, I know I can't possibly understand what you have gone through. You lost your mate and in some ways it's like you lost half of yourself when she died, but there's still plenty of us, including myself, who still love and care for you and you're our Alpha.

Without you, we're nothing. Without an Alpha, there's no pack. I'm not saying to replace her, Armando, all I'm asking is for you to please just keep an open mind and heart and be open to love, whether it comes from the mate bond or a chosen one.

I know that you are being pressured by your father to take on a chosen mate, but I want you to know that I am one hundred percent behind you on whatever you choose to do with your life."

Raul and I have never been the sentimental type, but I felt grateful to have Raul as my Beta and best friend.

"Fine, but don't expect me to be happy about it." I complained and he chuckled in response.

We arrived downstairs to a busy dining room filled with people lining up to serve themselves in a buffet-style setting.

The Omegas were bustling around from table to table serving everyone their drinks as people sat down to eat.

I looked over to Raul, who seemed agitated. Was he sweating? I thought to myself.

"Hey man, are you feeling, okay?" I asked him.

"I don't know, my wolf Derrick is on edge, he's howling and telling me to move and there's this wonderful smell."

I turned to face him completely and a smile slowly creeped up on my face because I knew exactly what he meant by his words.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" He asked me.

"Are you really that air-headed? It's your mate doofus, that's why your wolf is on edge. He senses her and wants nothing more than for you to be brave and go to her." he said.

"I know it's my mate. That's why I'm terrified. He mind linked me.

"Why are you scared? I thought you wanted this! You made me come out here for the same thing and yet here you are, she's here and you're scared out of your mind!" the irony was not gone on me. I could not help but laugh at his predicament.

"Look, I never told you before, but I already had a mate, she rejected me, so now I'm worried that my second mate will reject me too." He mind-linked me once again.

My blood began to boil at those words. How dare any she-wolf reject Raul? He was a great and loyal friend, and any woman would be happy to have him as a mate. Also, rejecting your mate without a probable cause is seen as a crime in our world, so she had better have an excuse for doing such a thing to him.

"Who was she?" I growled out and he noticed my anger.

"Nobody important Mando, please just let it go, I don't want to give her another minute of my life. I've moved past it and put it behind me, it's in the past now." he explained.

"Like hell it is! I want to know who and if she is a part of our pack, then she should be banned. How dare she reject the Goddess' gift like that!" I growled.

Raul's face scrunched up and I could tell that he just wanted me to let it go.

"Fine! But you will gather your balls off of the floor and go and get your mate. I don't need anyone here thinking we're a bunch of wimps that are scared of our own shadows." I said as I laughed out loud.

"Hey! I am not a wimp! I'm just nervous, there's a difference!" he answered as he was defending his honor and that only made me laugh even more.

"Whatever, I'm going to go see where that delicious smell leads me, get some food man and I'll be right back to join you." he patted my back before he took off sniffing around the room and then I saw him round the corner towards the kitchen. Maybe his mate was an Omega, I thought.

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