Chp. 43 - Meeting Family

Start from the beginning

Asy then glanced at CQ and gave her a supportive smile. "She has grown quite a lot huh? And look ma, you're a great grandma... As you already know."
Asy chuckled softly as he then gestured to Fresh. "He's the youngest by the way, the oldest and the middle is over there." Asy pointed and Error froze a bit but sheepishly waved.

The mother cooed and looked at the children. ,,Aww! So small!" She cooed, while Geno waved too, still bouncing.
CQ fiddled with her fingers. ,,Uh-uhm... Yeah- They're- They're named Fresh, Error and Geno. Well, actually Error is- uhh- is named Eos, but uhm... stuff happened, so he- he goes by Error." It was clear in CQ's voice that she was nervous.

"Hun, you don't have to be nervous... It's okay." Asy cooed softly, moving and carefully holding CQ.
"What's your name Ms...?" Error shyly asked, looking up at the mother as he then sits down on the chair besides Fresh with Geno, carefully grabbing his hand.

"They're so cute." Furge whispered while Comyet chuckled softly and went towards the kids as well.

The mother smiled and awed quietly. ,,My name is Iris, little one." She answered, looking at Error. She then kneeled lightly down.
,,And? Your mother still trying to shove Asy random food into his mouth?" CQ blinked lightly, not knowing if she should be embarrassed or confused.
,,I did do that?" She whispered confused to Asy.

"Yep, too many times." Asy couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the memory.
"You liked to insist I eat more when we had enough food." Asy grinned a bit while Furge snickered.
"You wouldn't leave Asy alone until he's eaten enough... Or what you consider enough." Furge grinned a bit.

"Oh... No Ama Iris... Or uhm... G-Great Ama??" Now Error was confused. "Grama?" Error glanced at Geno.
Geno shrugged. ,,Grama sounds good." He hummed. Huh. He didn't seem as energetic today.
Iris chuckled lightly. ,,Call me how you want" She hummed with a small smile.

CQ blinked and looked at Asy and Furge. ,,Really? I don't remember..." She said.
,,What did I consider as ,enough' back then...?" The woman the asked, tilting her head.

"More than enough." Asy sweatdropped a bit. "So most of the time, I'd pretend I've already eaten..." Asy then carefully pets CQ.
"It's because you barely had food as a child, so you were so adamant on giving me as many as possible." Asy whispered.
"Kinda like how Error keeps trying to give you money and gifts as much as he can."

CQ glanced at Error. ,,Oh." She just said. The woman then looked back at Asy.
,,I- uhm... I am sorry." She then apologised, for some reason.
"Why are you saying sorry?" Asy raised a brow as he then turned to CQ.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, CQ." Asy said softly, smiling a bit.

CQ blinked lightly, tilting her head in confusion. ,,Didn't I- Didn't I bother you back then?" She asked.
"What? No! Never!" Asy shook his skull. "You never bothered me at least once CQ." Asy said softly, placing a hand on CQ's cheek comfortingly.
"You're my child hun, getting bothered by you is the least of my problems, especially since I never found you annoying." Asy softly said.

CQ stared at Asy, before breaking the eye contact. ,,Nhhh... Alright."
She mumbled, before looking at Iris, who was still fumbling over her children. Her eyes then went to Furge.
,,Wish I could remember them..." She mumbled.

"It's okay hun... They understand." Asy smiled gently at CQ before ruffling her hair a bit and then glancing at Fresh. "At least Fresh is doing better."
CQ smiled and nodded slightly. ,,Yeah... I am glad that he is. I don't know what I would do when he wouldn't get better." She hummed.

Asy just hummed in agreement while Error carefully poked Fresh's cheek, frowning when he received no response. "When is Freshy waking up ma?" Error glanced at CQ.

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