A Cursed Carnival

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"EEEEk!Hunter I can't believe Belos let you go to a carnival.I've never been to one before.Especially not one in bonesburough!"y/n chats happily.

"Yeah.I'm a little surprised too,honestly."Hunter lies.

y/n then sees Luz and her friends and runs too them.

y/n pov.

"Luz hey!Your with FRIENDS too?Nice."I say hinting that Hunter is with Belos.

Luz gets the hint and whispers to Willow and Gus.

Eda then rounds a corner sees my face and says hi to Luz instead of me like usual.

"Luz lives with Eda so i'm around Eda a lot too.Why do you think I always have a little to report to Belos?"I whisper too Hunter.

"Yeah.Sure" Hunter scoffs.

I talk a bit with Luz and Eda while Hunter just sits on a bench watching me.

"So are you on a date with 'Caleb'?"Eda smirks.

"W-what!No!W-why would you think that?"I blush noticing Hunter pink up a bit too.

"Uh huh.Anyways I have to go work and Luz has to hang with her friends.Have fun with your boyfriend."Eda chuckles.

"Edaaaaaa!It's not like that.Your meean.By Luz have fun."I say, embarassed.

"Bye!"Eda and Luz yell before leaving me and Hunter.

"Why are they so mean?"I whine.

"You talk like you know them."Hunter suddenly talks.

"Oh?Well yeah I know them.Luz is my friend and tells me about Eda all the time not knowing I'm an guard."I explain before noticing rotten candy,which is a treat I haven't tried before.

"*gasp*OOOOOoo!What is rotten candy?It's gotta be like cotton candy right?Let's go try it Hun-Caleb-""Yeah stick with Hunter,and sure?Did you bring your wallet?"

Hunter's POV

"I think so-shit.I forgot it.Nvm.um."y/n starts mumbling.

"It's fine.I can pay.I brought my wallet?"I state gently.

"What!?No!You don't need to do that!We can figure-"y/n starts to exclaim when I just start walking to the vendor and pay for 2 rotten candies.

"Here you go *princess~*."I tease.

y/n stares at me wide eyed before finally squeaking a loud thanks and trying the candy.

Her eyes start to widen and she starts eating it slower,enjoying the sugar more.

"This is better than cotton candy.This stuff actually has flavor~"y/n sings with joy,looking like a child that just got the best present in the world.

I laugh at her antics before wiping a small amount of rotten candy off her face as she didn't realize some was on her face.She doesn't even realize.

"So what do you want to do next y/n?You're better at this than me."

"What do you mean?*GASP* Have you never gone to a carnival?!No!Really!?"y/n starts explaining what you can do at a carnival and wondering how I haven;t been able to go to one.

I start laughing so loud that I finally get y/n's attention.She looks at me with a look I don't recognize.

"What are you laughing at?" she questions.

"You,silly!"I chuckle finally calming down.

She looks at me with the cutest face before laughing as well. I've never heard such a sweet sound.

The Owl house(Hunter/GoldenGuardXReader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ