* ★ beach babe ♡ *

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"we shared a bed!" y/n cried, feet kicking the air as she sighed, "he was so casual about it too! i was on the verge of a panic attack and he was already snoring."

yachi and yamaguchi sat on the other side of the screen, sharing a look before their eyes swept back over to y/n.

"he doesn't like me." she sighed, "i need to get over him already."

"you've been crushing on him for almost two and a half years, y/n." yachi started, "this isn't something that you'll be able to just forget about."

"i agree with yachi." yamaguchi said, giving y/n a smile which she returned without thinking, "it definitely makes it harder, to act like he's just a friend when you like him the way you do."

"i just," she didn't know what to say, realizing how hinata seemed to treat her like nothing but a friend hurt especially when she wanted more. she groaned, "i wanna get over him, but i don't want to just cut him off."

"telling him and getting if off your chest is the best way to go about it." yamaguchi said, y/n glared at him.

"how'd that work out for you?" she asked sarcastically, making the male blush as yachi laughed.

"he's right though, in his case it just worked out."

"he was also confessing to someone competent enough to understand what a crush is." tsukishima was leaning on the door frame, an eyebrow raised as y/n yelped.

"it's time to leave already?" she asked, getting up to grab her bag.

"yeah, the idiots are at the door. you're lucky i made hinata wait instead of coming to get you." he said, waving to the two on the screen.

"yeah yeah, bye guys." y/n waved to the two, getting goodbyes and waves before they disconnected.

leaving the house, hinata was bouncing around with his backpack nearly flying off. kageyama was already regretting wearing white, saying he was already sweating. tsukishima was silent, happy to hear the other two were suffering.

the four planned to see the statue today, go to the beach and play volleyball then sort of wing the rest of the day.

"we should go to the restaurant for dinner." hinata suggested, kageyama asked for the name so he could look it up.

"they're open till eight, their menu looks pretty good." he said, showing the phone to y/n who took it and nodded.

"that's what i've been saying!" hinata sang, leaning in to look with y/n. while he was actually reading about the food, y/n was dumbstruck as the male hooked his arm with hers.

with hot cheeks and burning ears, he took the phone and she scratched the nape of her neck, other arm still held by the male. tsukishima stole a glance, looking to kageyama who was holding a pocket map making sure they got where they wanted to.

"tsukishima, they have strawberry shortcake."

"we'll eat there."


"the statue is up ahead." kageyama pointed up to said huge statue of stone sitting atop a mountain.

tsukki deadpanned, "you're joking," he grunted as hinata ran forward, hand intertwined with y/n's, "we're not seriously walking?"

kageyama was also off, running after the two after hinata said something about whoever's first wins.

"jesus," the blonde rolled his eyes at himself, hating that he had accidentally made a pun, "there better be an escalator or something."

★ summer wish ♡ hinata s. ✔Where stories live. Discover now