"Shut up."

"You wish you could make me."

"I can."

"Mhm. How then."

She drops the covers she was holding up, and my eyes fall down to her chest. I go quiet and stare. Fuck. I push her down and suck a nipple into my mouth. She arches her back into me.

"Fine. You win." I ground out.

"So submissive. Almost like the day we met."

"You remember the day we met? That was in
high school. Only what? 6 years ago? Ninth grade?" I say my eyebrow raising.

"Shut up. You were just so cute back then. Hard to forget."

I sit up. "Well please, enlighten me." This should be good.

"You were new to the school. Had a big frown like always. And I was sitting in the back of the class half asleep. My friend nudged me when you walked in, because you were tall and adorable. I was hunched over drawing as usual. Then you looked at me and smiled. A cute submissive smile. I realized after you moved past me that you were looking at Rebecca who sat behind me. You asked her to the dance a month later."

I bark out a laugh. "Well you have got some of it right."

I look at him, my brows furrowed.

"You're silly if you think Rebecca was what caught my interests. I only asked her because Hayden told me you were gay."


"Yeah. I asked if you had a crush on anyone."

"Hayden asked me to the dance though!"

"I know," he says scowling. "Then I got stuck with Rebecca who didn't want to dance because it would 'mess up her hair.' Idiot. After that, you were taken for every dance a week before I even knew there was one."

"Becca was so nice though."

"Well good thing I don't like nice." He pinches my nose. I eye him angrily.

"I am a very nice person!"

"Sure. Now back to the story. I did not smile 'submissively.' Or at Rebecca. While you were too busy drawing you failed to notice my death stare. I knew you were trouble from the start. Then I told Rebecca to move so I could sit behind you. I smiled to make her more willing. To move."

"That's why she moved? I thought she was just making room for you, because she wanted to sit beside her friend."

"Nope. And you being a smart ass helped too. Did well in everything hearing you and Bella giving each-other answers. Ever notice how every class we had together, I ended up sitting behind or beside you?"


I smirk. Thinking about it now, that could've come across as very creepy, but well you do what you have to do.

"We'll still, you were so submissive and shy back then. I wish I could go back and take advantage of that."

I scowl. "I was new to the school of course I was shy. I'd only just got there and already telling people where to sit. Id hardly call that submissive."

"You were. And when all the other boys were playing football, or being dicks to the girls you were always reading."

"Says you. Always drawing during lunch, and class, never paying attention to anyone else."

"Aw, did the submissive baby want attention?"

I get up. I'll deal with this later. "I have to go to class. As do you. So I'd suggest you get up. It's already 9."

Her eyes widen. "What?!!" She jumps out of bed looking at the alarm clock. It reads 8:15.

"You fucking asshole!" She slaps my chest.

I grab her wrist. "Watch it."

"Watch it," she mocks me in a high pitched voice. I ground my teeth. Later. I'll deal with her later.

She rushes to get ready for school that starts at nine.

"Art show is at 9," I say driving us to school. It's a short ride from her dorm, but the campus is fairly large.

"What should I wear?"

"Something nice. Really nice." She nods.

"I'll pick you up." I grab her chin and kiss her once I pull over.

"You're not going in?"

"I have work."

"You work?"

Shit. I forget she still doesn't know.

"Yeah. I'm a business major remember? I have a business." If you could call it that.

"Oh. You've never mentioned it."

"You'll be late." I say.

"Right. We'll talk later. Byee!" She yells running to the doors.

I sit until she's inside. Then I get to work.

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