2 (1/2 🔥)

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I had another shit day today, but I guess what else is new. And I can't find my fucking diary. I could have sworn I left it on my nightstand last night, but at the same time I was half asleep and a little drunk so could've easily done something stupid like put it in the bathtub.

But now walking down to the cafeteria for some breakfast, I really start to worry. There aren't that many places in my dorm room it could be, and I even went as far as to check the trash can.

I got a text another an unknown number today, that simply said:

Unknown number: You look positively stunning today.

Would be nice to know who it was, but it's probably just someone messing with me. I've been getting them about once a week, and I've thought about bringing the police into it, but again it's probably nothing and I'm just overreacting as always.

When I get to the caf I find Bella sitting by herself in the back corner of the room. Walking over to her I plop down, a smile reaching my face. "Hey, where's Katie?"

"Oh, she's with her boyfriend, I think they're in our dorm." Jeez that's fun. They do this often, kicking Bella out of the room. Usually she texts me but I guess she figured I'd find her here anyways.

"You should really stop allowing that." She rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. They'll probably be over in a week, like all her other boyfriends."

We walk together to class. When I walk in I sit at my usual desk, beside Bella. Unfortunately, Axton is in this class but he usually never shows up anyways.

This class is probably my most stressful one, but I do still enjoy it. And it's nice to have Bella here, we help each other out a lot. She's really smart and always gets perfect scores.

The teacher is just starting our physics lesson when Axton barges through the door looking like the devil himself. The teacher gets slightly startled before pulling him self together and saying, "Ah, nice of you to join us Mr. Axton." I start to giggle looking at Bella remembering what I did the last time I saw him. She looks knowingly at him and he looks between us with a scowl. I've heard his friends talking about him today. Saying how he let a little 5 foot girl get the best of him. But people don't know exactly who it was, I'm not very well known.

He practically stomps over and sits himself directly behind me glaring at me the whole way over. But when he reaches me he leans down and whispers, "don't forget what I said." I smirk at him. What's he going to do? Knee me in the balls, too?

For some reason however his words don't scare me, in fact they excite me. What the hell is wrong with me. Knowing him, the guy he who beats someone up for looking at him wrong, he probably has a million revenge plans up his sleeve. Throughout the class I'm very anxious. I shift in my seat, bite my lip, and tap my fingers on the desk. I don't like him sitting behind me.

The fucking ass. He wants me to be nervous.

Finally class is over and I pack up my things as quickly as possible. When Axton walks by he slaps his hand slams down on my table and I jump. He placed a ripped out piece of paper from what I'm assuming is a notebook. "What are we in third grade? Passing notes, really?"

"Meet me in room 202. And do yourself a favour. Don't keep me waiting." He walks away and I shrink back in my seat. The way he said that, made it sound like I'd want to listen.

I take the piece of paper and my stomach drops. The piece of paper crumpling in my hands as I read it.

'Dear diary...'

My face turns bright red and I turn to the direction he went in. He fucking stole it. What if he read it? He clearly read this page if he ripped it out and gave it to me. He would know every secret, every kink, every fucked up part of me. Fuck.

The teacher raises his eyebrow at me, and I look around to realize I'm the only one left in the room. I walk out and slowly walk down the hall. Screw him and his 'don't keep me waiting.' What's he going to do? Give me detention? I do have to get that goddam diary back though.

I finally reach the room, still clutching the piece of paper. I walk in, but I can't see anything, the lights switched off.

Suddenly, my wrists are grabbed and pulled above my head, my back slammed against the door which was shut behind me. "What took you so long, Shakespeare?"

"I-um." I look into his eyes, inches away from my face, and my face flushes red again at the idea of this man reading the things I wrote in my diary. Now alone, he's a lot more intimidating. Out of everyone it just had to be him.

"What? Hm? Not so confident now, are we?" He moves his hands so only one is holding mine together, and traces a thumb against my bottom lip.

That somehow lifts me from whatever trance I was in, and I start to struggle in his grip. "What the fuck, let go of me. And give me back my notebook." He jams his knee between my thighs, successfully holding me in place, his other hand holding my waist to the door. Although, now his thigh presses against me, and it takes everything in me not to rub myself it. My horniness is still there from the party.

"You know I don't think I will. That page you wrote least night was intresting" He does the stupid smirking thing. And I struggle, but only manage to rub myself against his thigh, and my breath hitches. "Oh sorry, is that bothering you?" He drives his knee up and down, and I screw my eyes shut. Holding in a moan.

"S-stop-" I mutter under my breath. Fuck. What did I write last night? I was so drunk.

"Oh I'm sorry do you not like to be teased? You know, neither do I." He forces my head to look at him. And he looks at me in thought. "And also. If I remember correctly, no means yes. And- Stop? Means please keep going?" I blush and rip my head away from him grasp while he smiles mischievously.

"Shut up." I grit out.

"No. You listen here. From now on. You are mine. I've read every goddam chapter of your diary. Twice. You think you know yourself? I know you better."

"What do you want?" I say flatly.

"This isn't about what I want, it's about what you want. And don't worry, I'll make all your wants and needs come true. You should've thought twice, Alice, because I pay back in fucking double."

He lets go of me, and snatches the paper back from my hands. Then he leaves me, heavy breathing, and embarrassment flooding through my veins.

In the hall he says, "And next time you write a story about someone, you should ask permission." My mouth opens in shock. I didn't- did I?

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