Chapter 28: Time And Space

Start from the beginning

I look down as I go to put my gun back in my pocket. 

My eyes meet my arms. My veins bulge more than usual, but that wasn't my focus. 

I stared at the lilac tattoos that covered my arms. They're so beautiful, just like her. It feels like an honor to have them on my body forever.

My eyes begin to turn glossy as I stare at them. They're all I have left of her.


The elevator opening makes me blink harshly and sniffle. This was the last floor with people on it, four men to be exact. As I stepped into the room, the sound of sirens was even louder now. Red and blue flashed onto the building, lighting up the floor slightly. 

"Ezra," one of the men crossed their arms and looked confused. "What the hell is going on here, and why are you covered in blood?"

Blood splatter was on my face and neck. 

But I needed more of it. 

I shoot the man in front of me in the stomach, making him hunch over while the other three men jumped. 

I aim at the first guy. Bang, the bullet goes through his skull. 

The other two men grab their guns, and I shoot the second one through the heart. If I can't have mine, he can't have his. 

And then my eyes go to the third guy, who stands with his gun pointed at me also.

"Marc," his name rolls off my tongue in disgust. 

Marc looks terrified behind his gun, clenching it as if it's going to save his life. His hand shakes a little, but all I can think about is what he said about Lilac at the dinner party.

"W-what the fuck are you doing, Atlas?" his fear makes his voice shake. "Don't do this, please."

There's always been something pathetic about men begging for their life to me.

I kept my gun pointed at him while I stepped forward, "You were supposed to protect her."

The hurt in my voice seeps through, it nearly breaking. 

Rain starts to hit the windows, pouring down onto the ground. You can still hear the police sirens, and I can't even bring myself to care that they'll come in here at any moment. 

Marc takes the split second I turn my head to look at the rain to hit my gun out of my hand. It hits the floor and slides, but before he can shoot his, I throw my fist into his face. I did it with such force that my knuckle nearly broke, and blood spewed out of Marc's mouth.

His gun fell out of his hand, too, sliding in the opposite direction. Thunder shook the ground as I tackled him, throwing my fist into his face over and over again. 

Blood spewed from his mouth and he choked on it for a second before landing a punch against my face. 

My head jerked. My cheekbone throbbed, most definitely having a bruise now. He pushes me off of him before scrambling to his feet. I step forward when he grabs a chair from the table beside us, hitting me over the head with it.

I stumble to the side before catching myself on the table. I hear the elevator behind me, making me turn. The doors shut, and the elevator starts to rise up to the rooftop with Marc in it. 

With a clenched jaw, I walk over and collect my gun. I press the elevator button calmly, knowing that there was nowhere to go up there, and that he didn't have his gun.

The doors open. I step in. With bloodied hands, I press the button to go to the roof.

The elevator moves slowly. Or maybe, just to me.

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