Chp. 34 - King Nightymare

Start from the beginning

"But I wanna help." Error then snuck his tongue out at CQ before nuzzling her a bit.
"I don't want mama to struggle alone."
CQ sighed and hugged Error closely.
,,Error, you don't need to. I am fine, really. You are way too young to worry about me, you really shouldn't do that. I don't want that you're hurting yourself."

"But I wanna." Error pouted softly. "I don't want mama to hurt anymore, so I wanna help."
Error said softly, looking up at CQ. "I can take it!"
CQ sighed. ,,No... you think you can, but you can't. You're too young for this Error. And I am not hurting, see? I am fine!"

"Awh..." Error then blinked, pulling away and looking up at CQ up and down.
"Tummy no more hurty?" Error then carefully placed a hand on the wound where CQ was stabbed.
CQ blinked, before shacking and smiling. ,,No, Ruru, no more hurty."
She answered in a calm tone. ,,Mama is okay, Error. I promise, okay?" The woman petted Error.

"Okay..." Error then leaned to the hugs, closing his eyesockets a bit and yawning once more, starting to get sleepy again as he gently clung to CQ.
CQ rocked Error gently. ,,Are you tired? Do you want to go back into your bed? Should I sing or read you something?"
The woman hummed to her middle child, rubbing over his forehead.
"Mhh... Can I sleep with mama tonight?" Error sleepily asked, nuzzling the rubs contently.

CQ blinked and sighed then, smiling at her second born. ,,Of course, Ruru."
She answered, nuzzling her son, before making enough space in her bed for Error to lay down.
Error then smiled and then nuzzled himself with CQ and then held on tight, yawning and then snuggling up to CQ, with the thought of helping his mother in mind tomorrow, no matter what CQ may say.
Though he wonders where Nightymare was in all of this.

CQ sighed and pulled a blanket over the two, as she laid down.
Error was protectively in her arms, as the woman closed slowly her eyes, but not before she made sure that he was comfortable.
Error was quick to fall asleep at the safe comfort of his mother, clinging to her carefully as he fell into the dreamscape.

,,Hey, Error." Nightmare greeted Error there. Why did he smell like smoke-
Error blinked lightly as he then sniffed the air.
"Nightymare did something happen? You smell like a burnt nugget."

Nightmare huffed slightly. ,,Somehow I feel like I should be very offended of that, I am not a nugget- But it's nothing, one of my idiots just burned my castle to the ground again. This happens all the time! And we need to rebuild it, it's so annoying. I don't even know how they did it! I made sure to make everything fireproof."

Error couldn't help but gasp at the mention of castle. "You live in a castle?! Are you like- like a prince? A king?!"
Error began to jump excitedly, eyesockets wide in awe and eyelights big in admiration.
Nightmare was taken aback, before looking very proud.
His tentacles pointed upwards, as he said with a smirk: ,,Why, yes I am. I am the king of negativity. Does this suprise you, little prince?"
He answered and looked down at Error.

"Yeah! Oh my stars you're a King!" Error was pretty much excited now before gasping.
"Wait- you called me a prince! Am I a prince? How am I a prince?!"
Error was pretty much vibrating in excitement now.

Nightmare chuckled and patted Error. ,,Well, I am a king. Why shouldn't you be a prince, little prince?"
He hummed, smiling at Error. ,,Because in this very moment, I am telling you, you're the prince of darkness."
Error gave a loud gasp. "I'm a prince!"
Error cheered happily before moving and hugging Nightmare.
"I'm a prince! And Nightymare is a King! Nightymare's my Guardian King!"
Error exclaimed with a happy giggle. "This is so cool!"

Nightmare chuckled and hugged back. ,,Yes, you are, my little prince. You are the best prince of all!" The guardian nuzzled Error.
,,Some day I will give you your very own crown!"
Error then gasped softly. "Wait wait- I get a crown?! Wait- If  get a crown, then where is your crown? I wanna see you with your crown!"
Error exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly as he pulled away, grinning up at Nightmare.

Nightmare stared at Error, before sighing.
,,Alright. Wait here. Or... come back in case you wake up, I don't know what happens with the Dreamscape if I am not here." He answered and vanished.

"Okay..." Error blinked in thought before looking around when the dreamscape changed, curiously, he then began to walk around before entering the woods part of the dreamscape.
He then looked behind him and fidgeted a bit.
No, he's not gonna leave, he then turned around and began to walk back but blinked in concern when he's not even getting near towards the place he came from.

"... Nightymare...?" Error then looked around in worry before slowly clinging to his scarf.
He'll be fine, Nightmare would find him, he's just near the exit of the woods!
It's okay... He doesn't have to be scared, Nightmare would come back...

Taking a deep breath in, then out, he then sat down and then fidgeted with his hands, imagine good things, good things... This is a luwid dream, he can control his dreams, he'll be fine, he'll be okay.

Taking a deep breath in, then out, he nodded to himself, he'll be okay.



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