19- The uncles are here

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Logan's POV
After Roy and Emily stayed 3 days at the hospital they were allowed to leave. Everything had gone fine, we were so excited for Emily to get home, I couldn't wait to have my girls, both of them together. These days were not going to be calm though, everyone wanted to visit Em, she had everyone mesmerized. Specially the boys.

- Where's my favourite Mother?? And the beautiful Em?
- Here we are Finn
- The uncles are here
- Oh mother you look gorgeous as always. And beautiful baby is lovely
- You know you have a precious thing here huntz
- I'm well aware Collin, I'm the luckiest man ever
- Of course you are you have me by your side
- I love you Ace
- I know, I love you too

The boys did all kind of stupid thing which made Em laugh, she was so tiny, but I could tell she had her mother's smile. She also had her eyes, but she had inherited my hair, you could tell from the little blond hairs that were slowly growing.

We had the boys stay here for the night, so Rory and I could have a calmer day.

- Look at her, she looks so happy with them
- You have good friends here, and they'll make awesome uncles
- And you Ace will be the best mother ever
- I don't think I can outdo my mom but I'll try my best
- So will I, I know I didn't have a good example growing up, but I love you and that little girl with all my heart, I would give anything for you
- I know Logan, and I'm grateful for you, I'm grateful I have you by my side, I'm grateful the world brought us back together
- So am I Ace
- Ammm mother I think little girl here is hungry
Rory and I laughed softly
- I'm going Finn

As days went by more people came in to visit, even my parents. Seeing the baby softened them, they even agreed to make things right with us. I don't know what kind of magic Em had, but I don't think my mom has loved anyone that much ever before, not even me or my sister. Honor also visited with her family, my nephews were so happy to finally have a little cousin. Everyone was so happy

Rory and Logan - What now?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz