2- What have I done?

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Logan's POV
I just got back to London, I said goodbye to Rory, why? What have I done? Why didn't I asked her to stay? She was so sad, had I broken her? I could never hurt Rory

Odette came home and just seeing her come through the door made me think of Rory. That's when I knew I had to tell her the truth.

- Odette I need to talk to you
- It's her right? Rory?
- Odette Im sorry but it's always been her, and she's always been the one.
- I get it, this was never true love, just a silly agreement our parents made.
- I'm sorry really, I don't want to hurt you
- It's fine, I thought we could maybe work it out but definitely we can't. I'll call off the engagement, it will be seen better, the bride can always get cold feet. I'll just say I found someone else, that our thing was just a contract and this way we will both be happier.
- Thank you Odette. I really appreciate that
- Don't worry, I do hope we can still be friends
- Of course we can

I hugged her with the truest feeling ever, I was grateful to her, to her understanding.

A few weeks after I was ready to get going to starshallow and get Rory back. Just then she knocked my door

- Hey Ace... I... I thought we said goodbye
- Logan is Odette here?
- No she's not. Come in
- I need to tell you something please don't be mad at me, don't hate me
-Ace you know I could never hate you
- I am pregnant Logan, I'm having a child, WE are having a child
I was speechless
- I know you are marriyng Odette and I'm so sorry I ruined it all. It's okay if you don't want anything to do with the baby or me for that matter. You have all rights to be mad and kick me out now. It's more, you should, you should hate me for all I did to you. I had my chance and I rejected you and I will forever regret that. But I thought you had the right to know about your child, and it's okay if you want to be on its life and not mine. I'm sure we can work something out if you want to, and of course if Odette is fine with it
- Ace..
- No please listen, you are the dad but I totally understand if you don't want to I would never trap you into this I-
I kissed her with everything I had, I just wanted her to stop
- Ace, I love you
- But Odette
- I called off the engagement the day we said goodbye. I knew I could never get over you. Neither me or Odette were really into this marriage thing anyways. Rory, it's always been you, it always comes back to us.
I knew it was the moment, I still had the ring I first proposed to her with, I really hoped this time she said yes. I got down on one knee and opened the little blue box.
- Lorelai Leigh Gilmore, Rory, Ace, would you marry me? Would you be my Ace and raise a family with me?
- Logan I-I of course I will marry you

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