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My mom's van was an old beater that I inherited after her funeral.

The horns were ineffective and the engines kept squeaking whenever I bumped into a pothole, the poor leather coverings on the seat were almost begging to be changed, I only managed to respray the color of the car when necessary, well, the radio was still functioning but it didn't make it less embarrassing to take friends on a ride with it.

You must be wondering about my mother's death, and no, it wasn't cancer or mere depression. She was a selfish hag who couldn't take the hardship anymore and decided that the easy way out was to end her life and leave her children to strive to live- even after she finished all the money left to me and Archie- my little bother- in our grandparents will.

The grid lock at the road was a huge setback. I was still miles way from my street and dusk was fast approaching. All around me, cars honked and groaned but all I could do was to shut my car window.

The main road was always blocked with traffic in the evenings because then, workers from all round the city would be on their way back to their various homes.

Half an hour later, I was free again, driving downtown towards Carlos Peirres, one of the cafes that served excellent coffee's with other junk foods. I didn't know of the cafe until two days ago, when my neighbor and a very good friend  Madeline recommend it, and as the coffee addict that I am, I made it a must to visit the cafe.

I parked by to a black Bentley and picked up my purse.

Carlos Peirres was a medium sized cafe shop and it was only a fifteen minutes walk from my house.

It was cold inside, the walls were made of brick and was painted brown, the booths had three yellow chairs and a round table- most of which were already filled up, there was the smell of coffee wafting in the air and I instinctively took a long whiff. The multi colored bulbs were on in the evenings, giving it a warm glow of blue and green.

I first went to the counter where Madeline was stationed.

"Hey! Averil, you finally came Huh?" She joked leaning on the counter.

"Yeah, I guess. I had work throughout the day." I sigh heavily.

"Ohhh. So I have an actress before me right now? I hope you wouldn't give up on Carlos Peirres to the fancy dinner where celebrities go to." She joked, making funny gestures.

I smiled, "Oh please, you know that part of my existence depends on this shop. Besides, I just started, we wouldn't know the bend at the road yet."

"Oh I know. The bend is that you are no longer a lowlife. what was the name of the movie again... right! Start-crossed lovers. I want to be one of the first people to watch your movie, it's the least privilege you could give me as your friend."

"Noted. Besides, where is Linda?" I drew closer to whisper the next sentence, "Did the father of her baby show up?"

You wouldn't blame me for being intrusive if you lived in such a boring street.

Maddie's eyes lit up at the topic, "you wouldn't believe it." She started, "Linda actually had a fiance and two other lovers. The father of the child is still unknown, they really caused a commotion here, two days ago and she got sacked."

I nodded in understanding. Linda is a fellow neighbour living at the next block condominium , she stays with her fiance but still had multiple lovers, now she had given birth and the baby looks nothing like the supposed father. Karma hurts like a b**ch, you know.

"I pity her fiance."

"Yeah. The poor man left looking dejected that day. He must have really loved her, I pray she doesn't get the chance to experience love ever again."

I cackled at the honest remark, "That's too harsh."

Maddie frowned, "I mean it."

"Whatever. Can I have black coffee mixed with enough cream?" I ordered, searching my purse for ten bucks, when I eventually found it, I slammed it unto the counter.

Maddie stared at the money, then at me. Still not making any move to bring my coffee.

"What?!" I asked, Flustered.

"You don't know?" She asked, puzzled.

I stared at her in utter confusion. "Know what?"

"Never mind." She dismissed, going around while searching for something "you really have admirers, you know?" She finally returned, dropping a plastic cup on the counter.

I grabbed the cup befuddled, "what is this?"

I surveyed the cup, inspecting it, while hearing Maddie speak "Some guy came here before you did and bought it, said that you would want it and that if you didn't come, I could have it. I'm surprised Ave, I didn't know you had a charming boyfriend." Maddie teased, nudging me with her elbow from across the counter.

My eyes grew large from both Maddie's speech and what the label read. it was a cup of cappuccino and I also noticed that my name was scribbled on it with a quick note.

"I don't have a boyfriend, Maddie." I said seriously, wiping the smirk from her face.

Could this be some sort of coincidence? A freak coincidence, maybe?

"Are you certain? He looked pretty sure of himself and I assumed...oh Averil, don't tell me that a stalker is after you?" Maddie asked anxiously, completely worried and horrified.

I shook my head unconsciously , still lost in thought, "No Maddie, non that I know of atleast."

Searching my purse, I brought out my phone. I found the picture of my ex-boyfriend and showed her. Andrew was an ample boyfriend for every literal girl but a complete jerk. We only dated for a few months, and in those months, I was blinded by infatuation and took his subtle and perverted advances lightly.

"Is it this man?" I asked, really hoping it was him and not some serial killer, kidnapper, or worse, a deranged lunatic who fawns over a girl he has never met.

"Isn't that your bird brain off an ex?" She asked, arching an eyebrow, then slowly shook her head, "The man who bought you coffee had grey eyes and Jet black hair, an angular jaw, tanned skin and was like six feet tall? And really muscular-"

I held up my hand to shut her up, "Are you speaking out of your fantasies or what? How can someone be that good looking?" I rolled my eyes at her stupidity.

"Well, he didn't look like a serial killer and I remember seeing him around these past few weeks, I never thought he had any foul intentions."

"Well since he bought it from you, he probably didn't put poison in it right?"

"Nope, I was there the whole time, he only asked me to hand him a marker, you should check what he wrote."

I nodded, "I will leave you to attend to other people then." I took my money back and left the counter.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I read the strange note.


Word count: 1204

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