𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

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Byers Residence - 4:00 PM - Wednesday

Mike's POV

"I don't love you anymore, Mike." 

Will's words felt like a stab to the heart. Tears ran freely from his eyes as he stood there in the rain, staring at the door of Will's house. He stood there for a minute, praying that Will would come out of the door and hug him and tell him that he was forgiven.

But that never happened. Instead, rumbling thunder made him realize where he was, so with one last look at the house, he hopped on his bike, making his way home. The aching pain in his chest never went away, but instead got worse as he thought about his encounter with Will.

He parked his bike in the driveway, stumbling to the front door. His mom was in the kitchen, cooking dinner, and Holly was in the living room watching TV while his dad slept on the couch.

"Ah, Mike, there you are! I'm making your favorite for-" She trailed off, seeing Mike's face. She dropped what she was doing and ran to him hugging him as tight as she could. Mike wanted to talk, but all he could do is cry into her shoulder. He never wanted to let go of her, but he knew he had to tell her what happened.

So he did.

He sat on the counter while his mom cooked dinner (chicken parmesan, his favorite) and told her everything. About the kiss, the punch, the fight, everything, even about kissing Will. 

"Well... I think you're definitely in the wrong. You should care more about love than popularity, yeah?" Karen said as she put a tray into the oven.

"Wait, so, you're not.. surprised or anything? About the kiss?" Mike asked as she cooked.

"Why would I be? I've known since you were in, like, 4th grade. You came home from school and told me you kissed someone. When I asked you who, you proudly said Dustin Henderson." Karen chuckled. "Remember him? Your old friend?"

"I- Yeah, Mom, I remember him, but how do I not remember that?" He brushed his dark curls out of his eyes, looking at his mom. She shrugged.

"Well, you shouldn't have sided with Troy. That's all I'm gonna say. I'm not gonna interfere or anything, but I'm glad you told me." She smiled her sweet smile at Mike and went back to cooking dinner. He hopped off the counter.

"Oh, Mom, one more thing?" 


"Don't tell dad."


Hawkins High - 7:30 AM - Friday

Mike took a deep breath as he pushed through the big double doors. He'd already skipped school yesterday, but Karen wouldn't let him skip again. He had no idea what was in store for him. Did Troy already tell everyone? Had he only told Lucas? Either way, he was terrified. 

The second he entered the building, all eyes were on him. The hall went silent. Whispers and looks were exchanged between the groups crowding around lockers.

"Shit." Mike muttered under his breath. He avoided eye contact as he made his way to his locker, praying nobody would confront him. He looked up from the floor briefly to make sure he hadn't passed his locker, but when he did, he locked eyes with Troy. He smiled his obnoxious smile as he looked Mike up and down.

"Well, well, if it isn't the little queer himself! Where's your little boyfriend?" Troy shoved Mike into a locker, kicking him in the shin as he pinned Mike. 

"Get off of me, asshole." Mike pushed Troy back, wincing as he took a step forward.

"Fag's got an attitude!" Troy and his gang of idiots all chuckled.

"Do you ever shut up, Troy? The world would be so much happier if you never opened your mouth." Mike braced himself, seeing how Troy tensed up at his words. Despite how much taller Mike had gotten, he was still skinny. He lacked muscle. Maybe in 8th grade he'd whoop Troy's ass, but not now. Not today.

Troy threw a punch, catching Mike in the nose.

"Now you and your boyfriend match." Troy sneered, shoving Mike. He grimaced, wiping blood off his upper lip.

"Leave me alone, Troy." Mike said between strangled breaths. His nose hurt like hell, and he knew it was probably broken, but he ignored the pain.

A circle of people had formed around Troy and Mike, some people chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Behind Troy stood Will, looking terrified. He clutched the strap of his backpack, hazel eyes widened in fear. Troy noticed Mike was looking elsewhere and turned to see Will.

"Well, well. Look who it is! Here to rescue your princess?" Troy reached out and shoved Will into the crowd, laughing his stupidky obnoxious laugh. Mike was filled with rage. He grabbed Troy's shoulder, turning him around and throwing a punch. The impact threw Troy off his feet. He slammed into the crowd, his head smacking the floor as everyone backed out of the way. Mike stood there, watching as Troy got up and scrambled away.

"Mike?" Will's voice echoed through Mikes head. "Mike, are you ok?" His vision blurred secomds before he passed out.


AHHH im so sorry it took me so long to get another chapter out 😭😭 ive been super busy, and im really sorry that this one is shorter! This story is coming to a close soon, but thank you everyone for reading thus far!

Word count: 910

(DISCONTINUED!!) 𝙃𝙖𝙬𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝 ⁎⁎⁎ Stranger Things AUWhere stories live. Discover now