There is a chance that this problem will reach to Caspian's territory too, but we are relying on the fact that it won't. But I am a royal, and chances are, I'm still going to be a target no matter where I live.

Ark adjusts his gloves. "You should reconsider your choice in life partner."

"Why?" I ask warily.

"He speaks unkindly to his staff. And I'm not talking about me," he explains coldly. "I've heard he can be a harsh man when he is angry. I would hate for you..."

He breaks off. My eyes narrow.

"For me to what?"

His gaze sweeps down over me. "To fall victim to his false charms."

I fold my arms over my chest. I'm not surprised Ark doesn't like Caspian, when he doesn't even like my father. He hasn't divulged why yet, either.

It doesn't matter, anyway. It's not as if I'm going to fall in love with Caspian, or share all my time with him. We are both going to get the benefits we need from our marriage and whatever happens outside of that I can deal with.

Ark's warning does cause a spike of fear deep inside me though.

"I'm immune to them, trust me. This union will be about power, about uniting my frail Kingdom with his strong one," I tell him, getting down onto the floor to resume my stretching.

"That's no life to live," he murmurs lowly, watching me as I stretch my legs out.

"And you care?" I grumble.

He goes silent, stalking around me. I don't look up on him, concentrating on not wincing at the pull on my hamstrings.

"No. Live as you please. I'm just warning you."

I roll my eyes. "Noted."

When I finally look up, Ark is frowning, deep in thought. I sigh. I wish I knew what he was thinking at all times. His expressions are contrary to what he is saying, because it's clear he does care to some extent about what I do.

"Your face..." I deadpan.

He blinks. "What?"

"It's obvious you disagree with my decision, with my reasoning," I say sourly. If I let myself think about it too much, I would disagree with it too, but Ark doesn't know what it is like to be tied to obligations like this.

Especially ones that have been pushed on me since I was a young girl.

"Your father owns you like property to use at his disposal, to give off to another. I don't like that," he admits, rolling his shoulders irritably.

"It's tradition." I feel foolish even telling that.

"Then break it," he insists.

Groaning, I roll my ankles around, wishing I could just go back inside and crawl into bed. Nothing has felt the same between Ark and I since returning here. I can't stop replaying the other night in my head....

"It's not so simple. You don't get it," I mutter tiredly.

Ark paces back and forth. "Not to mention he's a virgin."

I frown, looking up at him.

"What did you say?"

"He couldn't please you, he has no experience," he exclaims flippantly. I scramble up to my feet, although I remain a healthy distance away from Ark.

Whenever he mentions sex, things start to get tense between each other. For the sake of training, and also my irritation, it feels safer to linger away and hope he doesn't get to close.

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