Start bij het begin

"Ready to fly old man?" I call out, getting Dad's attention.

He turns to me, his eyes light up. "You came!"

"Of course I did."

"I'm glad you're here." Dad smiles happily as he gazes at the aircraft in front of us.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smile back. I'm still upset about getting kicked from the mission. But they need all the support they can get.

"This is going to be dangerous..." he starts. "And I don't know if I'll-" I look over to him, he tries to find the right words to say.

"I know." I whisper. He turns to make eye contact with me. "But you're Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell. You're indestructible."

"I'm glad you think so." He licks his teeth, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry." He looks back to the aircraft. "I've been a crappy Father."


"You know when I tried to hold you back from all of this." He points to the equipment around us. "It was never because I thought you couldn't do it. It's just that after Goose..." he blinks back tears. "... I didn't want to risk loosing my daughter. You're all I have, sweetheart."

"I'm sorry I went behind your back. I just wanted a fresh start." I take a deep breath. "And I knew I could never live up to the Mitchell name."

"You already have." He shakes my shoulder. "You've exceeded all expectations. I am very proud of you, Cherry Bomb."

"Shut up you're gonna make me cry." I roll my eyes and pull him into a hug.

"My call sign is way better though." He teases.

"Now I'm definitely going to cry." I laugh, pulling away.


"Yes?" Dad and I say at the same time.

Warlock holds back a laugh. "You are where you belong, make us proud. The both of you." He nods, we nod back in response. "We're getting started. Are you two ready?"

Dad sighs. "Ready as we'll ever be."


"It was an honor to fly with you." Dad starts. All of the pilots stand lined up in multiple rows of two. There's one empty spot since I stayed standing by the exit door. "Each of you represents the best of the best. This is a very special mission. My choices are only reflections of that." The tension in the room is so thick.

"First Foxtrot team members." Cyclone looks at his notepad.

"Payback, Fanboy, Phoenix, and Bob." Dad says confidently.

"And your fire?"

He looks to the left. "Rooster-" He looks to me. "-and Cherry Bomb."

"W-What?" I choke out.

A lump forms in my throat as whispers fill the room. "Captain, she is not authorized-"

"Let me put it this way." Dad interjects. "If Rebecca doesn't fly, I don't either. We need her. I need her."

Cyclone licks his teeth. A bit of hope bursts in the pit of my stomach. "Whatever. Cherry Bomb, you're back on."

My fellow aviators clap as I run over and join them.

"The rest of you are in support roles on board..."

Rooster gives me nudge. "Guess you didn't have to fight for it after all." He whispers.

"I'm just that good." I grin cockily at him before looking back to the front.

"Your target is a threat that needs immediate attention. It's a secret uranium enrichment plant out of surveillance. In an underground bunker. Between these two mountains. There are 5th class warplanes at a nearby airport in the region. After you take off and cross the border from the USS Ladygulf to the enemy's airfield here..." Warlock points to the board. "...synchronized Tomahawk missiles will be fired. This will put their tracks out of play."

"But you'll have to deal with planes that have already taken off." Dad says. "As soon as those missiles land at the airport, they'll know you've arrived. Your arrival time at the destination
will be 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If it takes longer than that, you'll be on the radar of hijacked planes by the Tomahawks." He walks up closer towards us. "You were trained for this. Good luck and make it back home."


It's loud. We're getting ready for take off. I feel as if I could barf. In fact I might just do that. I feel a hand grab my shoulder.

"You ready!?" Dad yells over all the noise.

I nod. "I think so!"

"Think so? You better know so! I just fought for your spot back there! I'm in enough trouble as it is." He exclaims. "You're welcome by the way!"

"Good luck, Captain!" I yell. "I have to text Mom and Amelia!" He nods and turns away.

"Maverick!" Rooster stops him before he can get to far. Dad turns to face him. "Sir...I uh-"

"We'll talk after! Good luck!" Dad pats his back.

I pull my phone out and shoot a text to Mom and Amelia. "Going into the air. I'm back in."

"Why am I not surprised?" Amelia texts back.

"Good luck!" Mom texts.

"All personnel take their places for departure." A loud voice booms.

I head towards our plane.

"Hey, C-Bomb!" Hangman yells, getting my attention. "Blow them to smithereens!"

"Oh I will! You be ready for it!"

"Glad to have you back." He pats my shoulder and turns bumping into Rooster. "Give 'em hell, Bradshaw!" They shake hands and he walks off.

"Into the carriage, princess." Rooster calls out.

I quirk a brow at him. "That's a new one." I climb into the back seat of the plane, Rooster gets in the front.

This is really happening, and I've never been so scared in my entire life.

𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐃 | BRADLEY 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 BRADSHAW Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu