"And honey be careful okay, stay away from trouble. When insulted..."

"Silence is the best answer to a fool, I got that." I interjected mum as she nodded and smiled.

"Focus on your studies, I and your mother will come join you when we have cleared all issues we have here in Canada, okay?"

"Most precisely."

After my parents advises and lectures, I entered into the plain, took my sit, put my phone on flight mode, looked outside the window and before you knew it the plain took off.

I landed in U.S.A airport as the cold breeze blew across my face telling me to put on a sweater. A man on black and white wear took my luggage telling me he was instructed by my parents to take them to the new house.

On a serious note, my parents aren't that kind of rich luxurious people, they want things to be easier for me. I stopped a taxi telling him to take me to Spring High College as he quickly did.

I stepped out of the taxi after paying him. I entered into the school entrance door to see students either running around to catch up with something, some students talking and chatting with each other, some where on their phones, some students having a make out section.

For goodness sake Get a Room!

And the rest of the weird once were busy staring at me.
Suddenly my high happy spirit fell to the floor crawling away from me as I felt anxiety settle in.
I began to space out when someone bumped into me hitting their nose on my forehead as the person cursed.

"For fuck sake in their fucking life, why can't people watch were the hell they are going... Shit my nose." I think It's a she.

When I opened my eyes massaging my forehead I saw it was a she with a brown hair and brown nut meg eyes.

"I swear, I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry... I should have watched where I was going to... I am so sorry...." I apologies panicking at the same time.
In my life I hate when I offend people. It's not like me at all.

The girl stared at me for a good 7 seconds with annoyance clear on her face and suddenly laughed.

Okay.... This is creepy.

"Nah... It's okay. When I bump into someone it means I bumped into a blessing." She said still laughing.

"Owkay..." That's even more creepy

"Alright bye...," she said and walked off.

"Wait... " I tried to call her attention but she was too far away.

Shit... I wanted to ask her were the receptionist office was and where I could get my matriculation number and my timetable for the whole semester.

I have spent 1 hour trying to sought myself in this gigantic school. I finally got my matriculation number and my timetable. I scanned through it to see I've got economics class like right now which started 2 hours ago before break time.
45 minutes remains for the class to end.

I rushed to wherever the class was and opened the door, stepping into the class everyone's eyes landed on me. The male teacher who was writing on the white board looked at my direction and smiled.

Okay that's welcoming.

"And you're?" The male teacher asked.

"Julia sir... Julia Robert."

"Students meet your new class mate and young lady my name is Peter. Mr. Peter Damson". He introduced as I nodded my head.

"Bring out your timetable and check on which plan you're in economics class?" He asked.

I scrolled through the paper to see plan B.

"Plan B sir."

"Alright this is your class go have a sit."

I walked up to an empty sit which was close to the girl I bumped into this morning.

"Julia... Nice name. Am I also allowed to call you Jul." The girl said.

"Yeah I'm fine with anything except from you calling me Julius."

"I get that," she smiled sweetly "I'm Lilian... Lilian Steve."

"I'll like to call you Lilia, how's that?"

"Yeah... Except from calling me Lily." She replied as we chuckled and concentrated in class.

I kept on looking around the class to see if I'll get a glimpse of Rose or Jayden but they weren't in this class. I guess they'll be in plan A.

Class was over and Lilian wasn't in the class any more. It was break time already and I was hungry as a lion. I left the class heading to the cafeteria when I sighted Rose opening her locker.
Oh my I've got to see Rose Miller again.

I rushed up to her and gave her the biggest hug in this world.
I broke the hug to see her smiling from ears to ears.

"Oh my god... You're here Julia like... You're fucking here." She said cheerfully.

"I'm so glad to see you... I'm so fucking glad."

"How's mummy and daddy and Dante?"

"Good, good and good."
"How's yours too?" I asked this time.


"Where's Jayden?" I asked giddily.

"Jayden?" She asked confused.

"Yes... Jayden... Jayden Heart." I specified as her confused face turned to a scowl.

That's new.

"Him.. He's in his own world. Forget about him."

"Why? What happened? Did he do anything wrong?" I threw questions at her hoping she'll answer but she didn't.

Rose opened her closed locker bringing out some text books, I adverted my eyes away from her to see a guy and a gal holding hands as people paved way for them.

Are they like second god of this school or I'm thinking otherwise.
On the contrary... They look good together.

As they came close, I could recognise the guy... He has blond hair and ocean blue eyes. For the girl she's also a blond with brown eyes.

Wait a sec... Who do I know has blond hair and captivating blue eyes? Who's that Julia? Think.

That's Jayden, that's Jayden Heart for shit sake.
He's so handsome... My friend is fucking handsome in real life than in social media.

"Rose that's Jayden... That's our friend Jayden." I said cheerfully but she still didn't care.

"Wait here... I'm going to meet him."

I said happily running towards him and the blond. I guess that's his girlfriend. Sweet.

As I ran towards them I could hear Rose saying, "Don't do that."
But as stubborn as I was I still proceeded.

I won't miss this chance to see Jayden for real this time after so many years.
He was also like a brother to me.
He was there for me and Rose when my brother wasn't.

I'm very sure he'll be pleased to see me again.

But there's one thing Julia doesn't understand...
People change with time.

Another chap done.

Guys I hope this wasn't boring for you.
I'm wondering what's gonna happen next?

How will Jayden react, seeing Julia?

Pls leave a vote.

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