𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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Bright light streaked through my lids, my eyes creaking open to the world around me. I sat up from where I had... waken up? Fallen? I can't remember how I got here. But everything is so quiet. It feels...different than normal.

The feeling of peace flooded through my chest as I gazed around at an expansive white landscape. Turning, my eyes fell on a golden gate, studded with pearls. Light reflected from it, covering me in shattered pieces of shining light.

A figure stalked towards the other side of the gate, my visual clouded by the mist on the other side. Uneasiness spread through my mind. My wings spread out and covered my body as the gate silently opened. Wait, wings? I had wings?

Where was I? How did I get here? I don't remember anything! My chest aches, what happened?

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. You are in Heaven." His voice interrupted the whirlwind inside my head.

My wings lowered, exposing a vaguely familiar face. His face was pale, matching the white atmosphere around us. Blonde hair was swept neatly out of his face. Dark eyes were hidden under purple-lidded eyes and a smile stretched across his face. A white suit draped over his frame and a golden laurel lay over his perfect locks. His hand outstretched towards me, "You're safe now. If I may introduce myself, my name is Michael."

That smile. It was his smile that was familiar. But oddly enough, it put me at ease.

I took his hand and he helped me up from where I had been sitting. Avoiding my large wings, he placed his hand on the small of my back and led me into the gate. "We are so happy to have you here, miss y/n. And some people are so excited to see you again." His large smile made his eyes into crescents.

"I do?" Thoughts raced back to me, making my head clear than it was before. "My family is here?" A smile grew on my face as anticipation filled my chest. He nodded and held a hand out in front of him. As we walked closer into the mist, three figures could be seen walking toward us.

They smiled once their eyes landed on my face. Memories of family game nights, camping trips, fights, and car rides. The sadness I felt once they were killed. How I had lost them.

"Mom?" Without an answer, she swept me up into a hug, the rest of the family following. "Dad! Leah!" My grip tightened on their shoulders, holding them closer to me. They pulled away all too soon. Dad's familiar gruff voice spoke, "We're so happy that you are here."

"I'd never thought I'd see you again!" I spoke, looking at my dear sister. She wrapped me up in another hug. "Neither did I!"

Mom's voice spoke from behind me, "Oh, look how you've grown. You are such a beautiful young woman now."

I laughed, tears stinging the corners of my eyes, "I wasn't a beautiful young woman before?"

She shook her head, her smile growing, "You know what I mean."

Michael's voice sounded from up ahead, the smile continuing to stir my memories, "Shall we start the tour?"

My family all turned to wait for my response, so I gave him a small nod. He led us through the white mist and clouds surrounding the front gate. The buildings rose before my eyes. Gilted in ornamental carvings and gold, white skyscrapers filled up the skyline. People wandered around, couples arm in arm, children running around a park. Cafes filled with happy people were a sight I never thought I would see.

Little children dressed in white played with a little black and white cat with dark eyes. I became confused for a moment, feeling a memory stirring but nothing would come up. Michael's voice spoke from the front, "This is our main town square. Meetings are sometimes held here, but it is usually where–" His voice faded to silence and I continued to gaze around.

A Second Chance In Hell {2nd book to A Touch Of Hell} AlastorxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now