Three: Operation Get Nick Begins

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Chapter Three: Operation Get Nick Begins

Day Seven-Sunday

I don't remember how I got home but my head was a fuzzy mess. Never again would I mix vodka, gin, and tequila into one shot. And it was all because of one guy. One very stupid guy that I stupidly fell for. Nick Cauldron.

I couldn't get him out of my head. I had had crushes before but never like this. I remembered my conversation with Benji and even though I had been drunk, I meant every word I said. I wanted Benji to help me get Nick. Operation Get Nick was about to start as I texted Benji.

Me: Hey Benji. Did you mean what you said last night?

Benji: Hey Nat! Yep I did.

Me: When would you like to get started?

Benji: We can start today if you have time.

Me: Yeah I do. Where should we meet?

Benji: Let's meet back at the lounge at 12.

Me: Sounds like a plan

Benji: See you then!

Me: See you then!

I put on a long floral dress and sandals and went back to the lounge. Benji was seated in the front of the lounge with a drink in hand.

"You drink this early?"

"Why not?"

"Because it's barely past noon."

"I see we're going to have a lot of work to do."

"What does that supposed to mean?

"It means you are a little too goody-goody for Nick."

"So what do I have to be to get Nick."

"There's going to be several phases. The first phase is changing up your wardrobe. Floral definitely screams I want to be in the friend zone with Nick especially floral that doesn't show any skin."

"But I love floral."

"You can wear it but just not the pink fluffy kind. Dark floral tops that show cleavage would be a great improvement."

"Okay what else?"

"Red lipstick, really any dark lipstick and dark eyeliner. He really goes for girls that wear that kind of stuff on their face. Also, short skirts, short mini dresses, tube tops, really any top that shows skin is a plus in his book."

"Okay so I have the wardrobe and makeup down, what else?"

"You really want to do this?"

"Yes I do. I think Nick is a great catch."

"But you barely know the guy."

"I know enough to want to do this."

"Its very shallow might I add."

"Him turning me down based off of one little thing is very shallow."

"It's not just one little thing. I told you it's a combination of things."

"Well that's why we're here for me to become the combination of things he wants."

"Okay so once you get phase one down, phase two is get a hobby."

"A hobby?"

"Yes, keeping busy is something that a guy like Nick finds irresistible."

I breathed. "Okay and then what?"

"Start dating."

"But that would defeat the purpose of this whole thing."

"No it wouldn't. If he sees you with other guys he will get jealous especially as you start to change for him." He took a swig of his drink before continuing. "Then you will find the guy to really make him jealous."

"The guy?"

"Yeah a guy you start seeing more regularly to the point where he notices. It'll drive him nuts."

"Okay and then what?"

"And then he'll be eating out of the palm of your hands. But first things first. Go shopping. Find more appealing clothes than what this is you have on. And makeup."

"Hey this is Express."

"Don't care."

"Benji, can ridesharing be my hobby because I'm a teacher and I have to grade papers and do teacher stuff and..."

"Yeah that'll count and this is going to be even more interesting knowing now that you are a teacher. Please don't tell me it's kindergarten."

"It's a sixth grade English class."

"Well thank God at least it's not that bad."

I huffed. "You are unbelievable."

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I just know what he likes. We've been friends since kindergarten, and he's been going after the same type of girls since we were teens."

"Well thank you for this. It's been an enlightening meeting."

"Report back this Saturday with the new wardrobe. We perform again on that night. And try to bring a date."

"Done and done."

"Oh I'm looking forward to this." He said with a devilish grin.

"I bet you are." I said leaving the lounge. 

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