Chapter one

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"Good morning world", I said when I opened my bedroom window. It is correctly 8 o'clock here in New York. I swear people think I am crazy. To be honest I don't care.

Okay so I am going on holiday today with my family. I don't think it will be fun at all. My brother said it will though but who listens to him?

Not me,and I never will as he is so stupid I can't.

Anyway,I should introduce myself,my names Hannah and I'm 20. Recently my life has been hard. My parents dis-owned me when I was 15 as I hated myself and attempted suicide. My brother hates me as he always takes my parents side. After everything I've done for them aswell..

When I was about 14 I made a fan account for a band I liked at the time,I made lots of friends on that account. They changed my life,so much. I hated my self,I wanted to kill myself + my friends helped me. I wouldn't call them internet friends as they aren't internet friends they are best friends.

Anyway I'm staying in New York for a while as I'm meeting one of my friends. They actually understand and accept me,which is pretty cool,I've got to say.

"Ding", I got a text from Zoe.
"Hello Hannah,can't wait to see you soon and I have someone who wants to meet you"
So I quickly reply

"F**k I can't wait I can't believe we are finally meeting + ooo who"

Zoe answer took a long time,so I started just thinking about the past and then I cried for a very long time,Zoe's message made my heart sink.

"Oh it's just my brother,he lives with me and my boyfriend,maybe you to can talk or something"

"Are you for real Zoe? You know how I feel around boys,I loose my shit. I mess everything up"

Zoe's answer was very fast

"Your be fine,I promise. Just tell him a little about yourself"
I gave up on texting Zoe as she posted on Instagram a picture of her and her mum so I didn't want to bother her.

I haven't done much today,I just wanted the world to leave me alone as getting into a new home is hard. Especially when your alone and use to living in a small town. It is hard. But then again that's life.

I had nothing to do so I decided to just order a pizza and sleep.

{The next day}
[note to reader
• I'm sorry if this is boring but don't stop reading now no no no,the best part is going to be next]
[Note to reader (AGAIN)
•I'm sorry this is so bad I will get better. Plus it's only chapter 1 so... And yes some parts of this will contain like parts of my life and how I feel bc it can yanno. I'm not even to sure on the name of this tbh but I'll get there haha]

New York Love - A Joe Sugg fanfic (finished)Where stories live. Discover now