Football vs Futbol

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The room was quiet as Vestal slowly scribbled her pen on the clipboard in her hands, her eyes closed as she slowly breathed to calm herself. In front of her sat Johnathan who wore a deadpan expression as his hand pressed on the icepack which sat atop his shoulder. Johnathan's eyes slowly went to the ceiling as a breath slowly left his lips, the icepack quietly clinking as he moved. His eyes moved to the side slightly, as a small breath escaped his lips.

Johnathan:...told you I win.

John: Like bloody h*ll you did, that was a foul if I ever saw one! Look at me!

Johnathan turned his head over to see John's head and torso wrapped tightly with bandages, several splotches of blood dotting his body. With a sigh, the American shrugged.

Johnathan: Told you to use protection.

John: You're a f*cking mongoloid! Look at Karl, heck look at who's not here!

Johnathan leaned over to see Karl who was nursing his head, an icepack gingerly placed on his forehead as a few mutters came from the German.

Johnathan: I don't see what you me-

John: I mean the fact he's in a bloody wheelchair! Did you perhaps lose both your eyesight and foresight today?!

Johnathan: Don't get your teabags in a twist, besides Giovanni's fine.

Karl: Giovanna is unconscious.

Johnathan: Don't you mean Giovanni?

Karl: I swaid dat.

John: Karl's concussed you fool, you drilled him harder than Operation Bagration.

Johnathan: Hah, bet Dimitri would love that joke.

John: He's praying with Kaito for Giovanni.

Johnathan: Huh, never pegged him to be a religious type...

John stared at his counterpart in shock before a loud cough could be heard from the repair ship. 

Vestal: Would you like to explain to me now how this happened?

John: Gladly.

Karl: Mhm.

Johnathan: Don't you two try and shank the story.

A few hours earlier...

Karl: Sheffield likes futbol?

Karl's eyebrow raised his eyebrow as he raised a glass of beer to his lips. His eyes met one of Sheffield's colleagues and older sister as the ship girl fixed her glasses. Her head nodded as she rummaged through her dress pockets, soon pulling out a photo and handing it over to Karl.

Edinburgh: Yes, one of the only times I saw Sheffy leave her uniform was to play a game against Deutshland who claimed that Iron Blood was capable of fielding a superior team

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Edinburgh: Yes, one of the only times I saw Sheffy leave her uniform was to play a game against Deutshland who claimed that Iron Blood was capable of fielding a superior team.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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