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'Come on, Gina. We're gonna be late,' Emily shouted at her friend.

'Jesus! We have one week's holiday, Em, in case you don't know. Slow down!,' Gina replied.

Stepping out of their flat with a suitcase in their hands, Gina walked towards her car while Emily was putting their belongings in a boot. They headed to the countryside around Devonshire as it was Emily's holiday, and Gina needed inspiration for her new novel. She had published a few books since her third year at Oxford. Now, she was recognised by some readers of young-adult literature.

Three hours had passed, and Gina parked her car at a small hotel. It was a hotel with a meadow in the back. Next to it was a stately home, where the hotel's owner was residing. Just around 5 minutes walk, there was a farm and an old village. Emily had booked a room for a week and arranged a full schedule of tours. The next morning, the two girls woke up early to visit a farm. As they arrived at the farm and registered, the guide then showed them and other tourists around.

Lambs were gathering in small groups across the lawn. Gina was taking some photos when she saw a man driving a small tractor towards her. As he came closer, she froze. The man got out of the tractor, walking with a smile on his face.

'Hello there,' he greeted.

'Hello there,' she responded.

He laughed, spreading his arms to his sides. He was wearing a plain t-shirt with military green shorts and knee-high boots. His top was stained with dirt and probably lambs' poo. His hands were dirty that Gina could see dirt in his fingernails.

'It's your farm?,' Gina asked.

'Yes, I did it,' He replied.

She chuckled, 'how?'

'A girl once told me I have all the money in the world. Fuck it if I'd be the only one in my family who wasn't an MP. So I follow her,' He answered.

'And how are you now?,' she questioned with a smile plastered on her face.

'I'm better.'

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