Chapter 14: The Hideout part 2

Start from the beginning

They finished playing Call Me, the crowd was going wild, there was a lot of clapping and a lot of cheering. Kali turned and smiled to the rest of the band as she stepped off to the side to grab a drink. Eddie quickly ran over to her "Kali I don't wanna make you angry or anything but um.." Kali turned to face him, her eyebrows furrowing as she drank her water "um... shit" Eddie rubbed the back of his neck before leaning in to whisper "Billy's here and he's bought a girl" Kali's eyes widened as she scanned the crowd. Billy was stood against the bar, with a beer in one hand and his other arm around the shoulders of the cheerleader she saw him with earlier. Kali could feel her anger rising, she looked back at Eddie "fuck him" Eddie looked at her confused, "it's time for toxic" she threw her empty water bottle on the floor and stomped over to the mic "this next song is an original" she started, staring straight at Billy, "enjoy" she grinned at him. She watched as Billy leant down and kissed the cheerleaders neck. She turned to the band and nodded. She was ready for him to hear this.

Baby can't you see I'm calling?
A guy like you should wear a warning
It's dangerous, I'm falling.
There's no escape, I can't wait
I need a hit, baby, give me it
You're dangerous, I'm lovin' it.

All eyes were on Kali as she started singing, everybody watching in amazement. Everyone except Billy.

Too high can't come down
Losing my head spinning round and round
Do you feel me now?

He still wasn't looking at her. She could feel her anger rising as she got to the chorus.

With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic I'm slipping under
With a taste of your poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
don't you know that you're toxic
And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic

He had finally lifted his head and was staring directly at her. She knew she had him. She smiled to herself as she started singing the second verse.

It's getting late to give you up
I took a sip from my devils cup
Slowly, it's taking over me

She ran her hands slowly down her neck and chest as she sang. Her gaze never shifting from Billy's, causing his face to turn red as he felt himself getting turned on. As he had learned from Tina's party, Kali was an incredible performer and when she sang she was sexier and more confident then anyone he'd ever met. He needed her. Tammy had been a distraction for him and whenever they had sex all he could picture was Kali underneath him. He needed her to be his.

As Kali reached the breakdown, the music softened and she started vocalising. Now was her chance to seal the deal. She might have been angry at him but she knew that Eddie's words were true. She loved him and had to have him. She grabbed the mic and stepped off the stage, slowly making her way over to Billy as he slowly began to walk towards her. Tina held Tammy back before she could chase after him, she leaned down and whispered in her ear "they're the king and queen" Tammy turned to look at Tina who had a wide grin on her face "you never stood a chance" she hissed, before turning her attention back to the stage. Kali and Billy met in the middle of the dance floor. He put his hands on her waist as she continued vocalising. She rested her hand on his chest as she sang the first part of the final chorus.

With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slipping under

She placed her hand under his chin and lifted his head so he was looking into her eyes.

With a taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?

She stepped away from him and danced her way back to the stage as she carried on singing the chorus. She placed the mic back on its stand and put her hands on either side as she sang the end of the song, bouncing slightly.

Intoxicate me now with your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now
Intoxicate me now with your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now.

The crowd let out a loud cheer as the band finished. They were all blown away by Corroded Coffin and even begged for them to play an encore, but unfortunately it was time for the next band to perform. Kali and the rest of Corroded Coffin made their way to the back room. They all jumped around hugging each other and screaming "fuck that was incredible!" Eddie shouted, Gareth and Jeff both joined in with his enthusiasm but when Kali tried to speak nothing came out. They all stopped jumping and looked at Kali. She held a hand to her throat as she tried to speak again, "I think you went a little too hard on that last song" Jeff laughed. It was true, Kali put everything she had into that song and now her voice was shot. She grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it back, "that was amazing" she managed to croak out. Thank god her voice hadn't gone for good. "Well, looks like you need to rest your voice sweetheart" Eddie grinned as he flopped down on the sofa, pulling out a cigarette. Kali walked over and flopped down beside him, taking a cigarette for herself.

They all sat in the back room for a little bit, trying to catch their breath and talking about how big the crowd was and how they'd never had so much crowd participation before. There was a knock at the door as Steve and Robin slowly walked in "you were so good!" Robin shouted as she ran over to hug Kali "like seriously, that was amazing!" Kali tried to thank her but once again, nothing came out. Robin looked at her confused "she lost her voice after the last song" Eddie said as he kissed Kali's head, Robin's face dropped but Kali grabbed her hands and held them before nudging Eddie "oh she hasn't lost it completely, she just needs to rest it, she put her all into that song and this is the consequence of being an incredible performer" he gestured over to Kali.

Robin and Steve stayed for a little while. Talking to the rest of the band about the performance. There was another knock at the door, but when nobody walked in Gareth made his way over. He opened the door and stepped aside, allowing whoever it was to come inside, "hey Kali, there's someone here to see you" Gareth smiled. Kali's eyes widened when she saw Billy step in the door. Why had he come to see her? Kali went to say something but Eddie intervened "shouldn't you be with that cheerleader" he hissed as he sat on the edge of his seat, Billy's face dropped to the floor "I just wanna speak to Kali" he lifted his head slightly and she caught his gaze. She wasn't sure why but it looked like he had sadness in his eyes. Just as Eddie went to say something, Kali grabbed his arm. He turned and looked at her with furrowed brows, she shook her head at him and he rested back against the sofa. Kali started walking over to Billy, she grabbed his hand and pulled him outside.

Kali took a deep breath as the cold air hit her. She pulled her arms against her chest and began rubbing her hands up and down to try and warm herself up, that was until she felt Billy wrap his jacket around her. The smell of cologne and cigarettes hit her like a tonne of bricks and she couldn't help but inhale the smell. She pulled out another cigarette, offering one to Billy before lighting her own. They stood in silence for what felt like forever before Billy finally spoke up "I'm sorry" Kali was stunned, she didn't know what she expected him to say, but it definitely wasn't that, "I'm sorry for pushing you over and then kicking you out" his gaze slowly lifted from the floor "I shouldn't have done that Kali, I was just hurt and angry and I know it's not an excuse but" Kali's hand reached up and rested against his cheek. At first he was startled by the sudden contact but as he looked in Kali's eyes, seeing that she had forgiven him, he felt himself relax. Kali wanted to say something to him but she didn't know if her voice would let her down. She lifted her other hand up to her throat and held it "I forgive you Billy" she managed to croak out. He let out a laugh when he heard how damaged her voice was "oh Juliet, what have you done" he leaned in and moved a strand of hair to behind her ear, resting his hand against her cheek "you looked beautiful up there princess" he leaned in more and placed a light kiss on her lips. This is what Kali was waiting for. She missed his touch. She missed how gentle he was with her. This was the Billy she fell in love with. He rested his head against hers as his hands moved down to her waist. He felt his hands getting clammy, she made him so nervous "do you..." he cut himself off. Kali could see that he was struggling to say something, she kissed him lightly and then pulled away, hoping that would help him find the words he was looking for. He smiled down at her before taking a deep breath "do you wanna go on a date?" Kali's stomach exploded into a million butterflies. She couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear as she nodded her head, maybe just a little too excited by his question. Billy smiled back at her before pulling her in for another kiss. He held a hand to the back of her neck while the other one rested on her back as he pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. For a moment, everything fell back into place. Everything was back to normal.... But for how long?

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now