Stranded - Wither husbands (Fwhip x sausage)

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"Hhahaha- No- please- Hahaha - I'm sorry-" he wheezed out.

"Your still missing something on your apology" I continued tickling him.

"Nope." He screamed. The next thing I knew he rolled into the water.

"FWHIP?!" I screamed. Panicking slightly I threw off my shirt and jumped into the water after him.

I looked around then heard someone laughing behind me. I turned around and saw Fwhip. His red/orange hair was wet and stuck to his forehead. He smiled at me.

"Why did you go into the water ?!" I screamed at him

"Calm down sausage. I am here. Also I got away from your tickles" he looked at me smiling and laughing.

I just looked back at him. That's the cute dork I fell in love with. I went near him to tickle him again but he noticed and went under the water.

Where did he go ? Then someone tackled me. I fell under the water with someone on my chest. It was cold. A freezing cold. This won't be good with the wind.

I got back up over the water to get some air. When I opened my eyes I saw a cute boy with a cheeky grin staring at me.

He then hugged me. His head on my chest and arms around my neck. One of my hands was holding him on his waist and the other was holding onto the boat for stability.

We stayed like that for a while just enjoying each other's company. Then I felt him shiver. It was already getting dark.

"Let's get back to shore." I whispered, not wanting to disturb the silence. He nodded in reply and let me go.

I put my hands back onto the boat and climbed up. Giving him a hand in the process. He gladly took it and fell onto me while I pulled him up.

"Hahaha" he laughed. He was laying on me now. Again. I signed. Trying to look for something to use as a paddle.

"Hey Fwhip how about you get off me. I love you but we need to get off this boat" I said expectedly.

"But your so warm" he mumbled into my chest. He still got off me and let me search. I turned to him. I saw fwhip shivering so I gave him my shirt.

"Take This. It'll keep you warm"

He pulled the shirt over his head. It was a bit to big on him. It looked like some kind of oversized shirt. It looked cut in him.

"You look even shorter now." I told him laughing.

"HEY" he screamed back. We laughed for a while then went back to looking around.

There was a small island not far away with a really small hut on it. Maybe we could find shelter there ?

„Hey Fwhip. We're not going home today. It's getting to dark and you're freezing. So let's go to that hut yeah ?" I told him not expecting an answer.

„Sure. But how do we get there ?" he asks me. His hair dripping and the water has already soaked the shirt. I looked around. It's not to far away. I could...

I jumped back into the water.

"SAUSAGE!" Fwhip screamed alarmed. He stood up ready to jump after me.

"I'll pull the boat to shore. Don't you dare to jump back in!" I told him in a stern voice. He just nodded and tried to help by paddling with his arms.

I just pulled the boat in silence. Luckily it wasn't to heavy.

I then pulled the boat on the sand. We've lost the paddles, better not lose the boat.

Fwhip went to stand next to me. It was a really small island. Tough big enough for the Small hut. It was a long hut.

"Hello?" Fwhip asked

No reply. I went forward and opened the door. It was way to dark to see anything, the sun had already set a while ago. But then a lamp turned on.

Before us were a bunch of swim things. Some subs were on the Walls, paddles were put together neatly in a sack. Some floaties were laid on top of each other. There even were towels. I ran over to them and grabbed a big one. Fwhip just looked at me confused. I then proceeded to put it around Fwhips shoulder.

"Now This will keep you warm." I said chuckling a bit. He smiled at me.

I put a big floaty on the ground and told him to sleep. He just sat there. Patting the spot next to him. I immediately understood and laid next to him. He snuggled up to my chest and I put my arms around him. The floaty being a good mattress, I fell asleep pretty quickly


I woke up in the morning before Fwhip. I took two paddles and put them into the boat. I then lifted Fwhip up and carefully laid him into the boat so he wouldn't need to wake up.

I then paddled to the other side of the lake.

Sometime while I

Was doing all that, my beautiful boyfriend woke up. He just looked around and smiled at me with a sleepy smile.

I laughed at him in return. After getting out stuff. And tying the boat to a stem, we started to go to our house. Or more like I started to walk.

He was just laying in my arms. I needed to carry him bride style. He was to sleepy to walk.

In the house we got met by a excited bubbles

We Love her. Fwhip continued sleeping though. Let's just hope he didn't catch a cold



Authors notes:

Fwhip x sausage. Yes amazing ship. I love it. Ashley helped (as always) expect story's for this ship. Until someone else starts writing fanfics about these two I will be exploding my account with it. Trust me I have 3 more wither husband ship story's to upload. I haven't slept for a while

Also how about Fwhip actually getting sick in the end ? And sausage has to help him heal?

I have sooo many ideas 

Words: 1576

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